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Statistics and Data Processing for Linguists


Admission requirements

None, but a sufficient level of high-school mathematics (at least Wiskunde C in the Dutch high-school system) is expected.


This course discusses methods of descriptive and inferential statistics that are needed for the analysis of quantitative data in linguistics. In particular, we focus on methods that are necessary for the analysis of experimental designs such as linear and logistic regression , ANOVA and linear mixed models. The methods will be linked to the practice of experimental research in linguistics with the use of real research designs and data.

Course objectives

Course objective 1: Students will be able to apply the basics of descriptive and inferential statistics for the analysis of quantitative data in linguistics.
Course objective 2: Students will be acquainted with advanced statistical methods for the analysis of experimental data.
Course objective 3: Students will get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art statistical analysis software.
Course objective 4: Students will learn to report experimental results in written form.



Mode of instruction

Lectures. Attendance of the lectures is obligatory.

Course Load

time spent on attending seminars: 26 hours
time for studying the compulsory literature: 35 hours
time to do weekly assignments: 35 hours
time to prepare for the exam: 44 hours

Assessment Method

Two sub-examinations and weekly assignments


Blackboard will be used to provide students with an overview of current affairs, as well as specific information about (components of) the course.

Reading list

C. Butler (1985) Statistics in Linguistics
K. Johnson (2008) Quantitative Methods in Linguistics


Enrollment through uSis for the course and the examination or paper is mandatory.

Registration Contractonderwijs


