The Research Training Project trains students to independently conduct scientific research in one of the research groups of the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC).
Admission requirements
MSc students of Chemistry or LST. Before start of the Research Training project the student has attended the mandatory safety instructions (“Introduction MSc Chemistry/LST”) and a fire fighting practical instructions.
Mode of instruction
Practical work, literature search, self-study, training in reporting, discussions and presentations.
Every MSc student is required to attend at least 10 Thesis Talks of fellow MSc students of the various research themes during their MSc period. As proof of attendance, the chairman of the Thesis Talk signs the student’s Thesis Talk attendance list.
Course objectives
At the end of the research training project students:
can perform a literature study on a (sub)topic of research
recalls information and understands theoretical concepts from textbooks and primary literature that pertains to the topic of research
can apply theory to predict potential outcomes of experiments and explain results
can plan research and perform experiments within an appropriate time frame
has the (experimental/computer) skills to apply standard research procedures
can solve procedural problems or difficulties
can design an experiment to test a hypothesis
can make a relevant original contribution to the project
can produce reliable, significant results
can work responsibly
shows appropriate scientific responsibility and a critical attitude towards own work
can analyze results and critically evaluate their validity and accuracy
can critically compare and contrast own results to related results by others
can formulate scientifically-sound conclusions
can effectively communicate research progress and results to colleagues, supervisors and experts
can independently write an accurate report on performed research
can present a summary of research, results and conclusions to a group of fellow students and external experts (Thesis Talk)
shows an appropriate work attitude (e.g. being on time, working appropriate hours, and preparing work in time)
functions appropriately as a member of a research team (e.g. helps others when required and is courteous and respectful towards others)
Assessment method
Observation of practical work, attitude, independence, and creativity. Students have to write an MSc Thesis, and present the work in a Thesis Talk for a jury and audience of fellow students.
When starting their final graduation procedure students will have to hand over an attendance list at the Graduate School office, showing that they attended at least 10 Thesis Talks.