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Methods in Experimental Linguistics


Admission requirements

Students should be familiar with psycholinguistic theory (e.g. have completed an introductory course at BA or MA level).
Basic knowledge of statistics (t-test, ANOVA) is desirable.


This course provides students with a a comprehensive and practical introduction to the research methods used in the LUCL Labs, including the chance to consolidate this knowledge by carrying out an independent research project.
Students will learn how psycholinguistic theory relates to experimental design and gain practical experience of data collection and interpretation.
After this course, students will have the necessary competence to individually design, carry out, and present a psycholinguistic experiment.

Course objectives

 Gaining a broad knowledge of psycholinguistic research methods and techniques, including lab hardware and software (Excel, Qualtrics, E-Prime, PsychoPy, R)  Understanding the practical steps involved in conceptualising and preparing a psycholinguistic experiment  Consolidating practical skills by carrying out an individual project


The timetable is available on the MA Linguistics website

Mode of instruction

Seminars, independent study and practical assignments.

Course Load

Total course load = 280 hours

  • Seminars: 22

  • Study of compulsory literature: 46

  • Assignments: 94

  • Preparation for assessments: 114

  • Exams: 4

Assessment method

For successful completion of the course, the student is required to upload 9 completed assignments on Blackboard (this includes assignments completed in class work). A schedule of deadlines is provided at the start of the course. During the course the student will carry out a practical project and is required to present this during the end-of-course poster session. For the posters, students must also submit a peer review.

Each assignment counts for 5% of the final grade. 50% of the final grade will be determined on the basis of the practical project and poster presentation, plus 5% based on a peer review of another student’s poster.

Students may resit maximally one of the assessments, provided that they have adequately attended the seminars (>80%).


Blackboard will be used for course materials.

Reading list



Enrolment through uSis is mandatory.
General information about uSis is available in [English]) and Dutch

Students other than MA Linguistics need permission from the coordinator of studies before enrolling.


Please contact Student administration van Eyckhof for questions.


Class attendance and active participation is required.