Admission requirements
Completed first year (Propedeuse) of the bachelor Art History or education at a similar level. Two successfully completed second year seminars (or the equivalent thereof).
The purpose of the literature exam, about 700 pages (excluding images), is to offer students an orientation and / or deepening of the bachelor's degree in one of the specialisations of the BA Art History programme. The student compiles his / her list of literature in consultation with one of the professors/docents. This docent may also be the supervisor of the Final Paper Bachelor Art History.
Course Objectives
Students learn to (select and) process and evaluate art historical literature at an academic level.
Students learn to give a substantiated critique of a wide range of art history texts, and learn to show an understanding of the structure, reasoning and argumentation of these texts.
Students acquire the knowledge and understanding necessary for relating various forms of the arts and media in a specific cultural region or period to methods of production and the way in which these art forms were and are interpreted in the past and present.
Students learn to discriminate between different approaches and theoretical frameworks in the discipline of art history and how to assess these in relation to various forms of the arts and media.
Students learn to relate issues in the area of the history of art and culture and scholarly research to the societal relevance of various media and art forms and/or the functioning of collections and museums.
Students learn to discuss various scholarly perspectives and modes of argumentation in conversation with an experienced art historian.
The Literauture Exam can be taken any time, in consultation with the professor/docent involved. The duration of the exam may vary (usually between 1 and 3 hrs).
Mode of instruction
- Literature study on an individual basis.
Course Load
Course load in summary: 5 ects (140 hrs)
138 hours: Required readings (c. 700 pages à 5 pages/hr, excluding images)
2 hours: Final oral exam
140 hours
Assessment method
- Final oral exam of 1 to 3 hrs (100% of final grade).
Compensation: not applicable.
Re-sit: One resit when the examination is not passed.
Not applicable
The literature list will be compiled in consultation with the lecturer and is principally a personal selection from a specified list per specilisation. This way the literature exam is a good preparation for the BA thesis. In total the student will read about 700 pages (from a mix of books and journal articles).
Please consult the coordinator of studies for the BA Art History
Registration Studeren à la Carte and Contractonderwijs
Coordinator of studies for the BA Art History
In exceptional cases the literature exam can be used as an alternative to a component of the BA Art History programme or the premaster Arts and Culture. In all cases, permission of the Board of Examiners is a prerequisite. For any questions, refer to the coordinator of studies for the BA Art History.