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Academic Discourse


This course is taught in Dutch in the academic year 2018-2019

Admission requirements

Successful completion of the courses “Academic Skills 1, Academic Writing and Representation” and “Academic Skills 2, Research in Practice”. “Academic Skills 3, The Scholarly Debate”, is the third of three Academic Skills courses that are part of the first year of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (CA-DS).

Admission to the course is restricted to students enrolled in the CA-DS Bachelor’s programme.

Description/Course Objectives

  • To be able to apply knowledge and skills from previous courses, including those in research methods, by writing an original research design with a well-defined research question for research possible for an anthropologist working alone.

  • Students must be able to give an account of their own views in scholarly debate.

  • To apply advanced skills to searching and critically selecting academic literature, as well as skills in referencing.


Dates and room numbers may be found on the website

NB: Classification of students in work groups remains in principle the same as for "Social scientific research in practice" and announced on Blackboard. (Students do NOT have to register for the workgroups in Usis.)

Mode of instruction

  • lectures 4 × 3 hours = 18 sbu

  • working groups 4 × 2 hours = 16 sbu

  • written assignments 4,500 words = 60 sbu

  • information meeting on Veldwerk NL (practicum) = 3 hours

  • additional literature 270 p. = 45 sbu

Assessment method

Weekly writing assignments and a large final assignment for which, among other things, earlier assignments must be improved
ATTENTION: Attendance at lectures and work groups is mandatory!

Only the final mark is registered in Usis.


Weekly assignments are in a syllabus that is awarded at the beginning of the course. Any changes to this will be mentioned on Blackboard.

Study materials



  • Usis: All students must enrol in Usis for lectures. Registration for examination, work groups and the practicals in Usis is not necessary. Registration periods and further information the procedure are to be found on the website on course registration .

  • Registration for Blackboard is mandatory


Coordinator Dr. Jan Jansen