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The goal of the Internship is to allow the student to gain experience as a working statistician through the course of an internship of 7-8 weeks. The Internship environment should mirror a possible future working environment that could be expected for a graduated student from the program.

A student may start the Internship under the following conditions:

  • The student has obtained at least 45 EC of compulsory courses.

  • The Internship project must be accepted by the Program Director: Prof. dr. Jacqueline Meulman, or Internship Director: Prof.dr. Willem Heiser.

  • The student needs to inform the supervisor(s) and the internship director about courses or resits of exams that need to be taken during the time of the Internship and these should be indicated on the Internship Agreement Form.

  • The Internship Agreement form should be completed and signed by student, the supervisor(s), and the Internship Director at least one month before the start of the Internship. This form can be found on Black Board.

During the Internship, the student should have 1 contact hour per week (on average) with the first (local) supervisor. If the first supervisor is not available during a particular period of time, the first supervisor is responsible for finding a temporary knowledgeable colleague. The student should have at least 3 contact hours, during the whole project, with the second supervisor (if any), who must be one of the lecturers of the Statistical Science program.

If there are good reasons for extending the duration of the Internship beyond the 8 weeks limit, this should be communicated to the Internship Director at least three weeks before the end of the Internship. The decision for granting the extended internship is taken by the Internship Director.

Although the actual duration of the Internship may exceed 8 weeks, the credit remains 10 EC. It includes the writing of the Internship report.
The Internship report contains the following elements:

  • A brief general description of the organization where the Internship has been performed (max 500 words)

  • A general description of the activities performed during the internship (max 1000 words)

  • A description of the generic skills acquired or strengthened (max 1000 words)

  • A specific example of a project done during the Internship; for example, a report from a consultation, assignment, or a presentation

  • A reflection and conclusion (max 500 words)

This document together with the evaluation of the supervisor(s) on the Internship Assessment Form will form the basis of the grade for the Internship.
This form can be found on Blackboard.