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Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics II: Emergent field theories


Admission Requirements

Quantum Theory and Statistical Physics.
If you are a first year master’s student interested in these courses for credit, please consult with your local contact, before registering for the course.


The course “Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics” is an advanced level master course with the dual purpose of teach the advanced theoretical physics concepts that are shared between all research directions as well as bridging the remaining gap to the research frontier. It is therefore also highly recommended to beginning PhD students.This course is organized by the Delta ITP, which is a joint initiative between the Universities of Leiden (UL), Utrecht (UU), and Amsterdam (UvA). The lectures are given by professors from these three universities, on topics that change every year.

Details of the course can be found at the Delta-ITP/DRTSTP Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics website here course details. Please register there.

Please note that the location of each module is different. For more information please go to course details
Module 1: University of Amsterdam
Module 2: University of Leiden
Module 3: University of Utrecht
Key notes on module 3 by Teaching Assistant Rodrigo Arouca de Albuquerque

Title: QFT Anomalies in Condensed Matter Physics

1.The course will explain what is meant with anomalies in quantum field theory. Although this notion originated in high energy physics, it has become increasingly important also in condensed matter physics. You will be introduced to various kinds of anomalies, both local and global, as well as different techniques for computing them at various levels of rigor and mathematical sophistication. A theme throughout is to illustrate the importance of anomalies for understanding the physics of topological states of matter such as quantum Hall liquids, Weyl semi-metals and topological insulators and superconductors.
2.A set of notes has been prepared, including references, that will be distributed as the course proceeds. The format will be online lectures, discussion sessions, and problem solving sessions.
Expected background is basic quantum field theory, and preferably also some knowledge about topological states of matter.
3.The lectures will occur in Zoom on Apr 20, May 11, 18, and 25 from 11 AM to 1 PM, Netherlands time. For those who are in a different time zone, the classes will be recorded and I will distribute them. During classes, I will mute everyone aside Prof. Hans Hansson and we will use the raising hand's feature for questions. The exercise sessions will take place between 13:15 and 17:00 on the same days and I will use the features of Breakout Rooms to separate you in small groups so that you can discuss between yourselves and I can hop from group to group. I am also always available by e-mail so that you can send some questions about the exercises or we can schedule a meeting by Zoom or other software anytime.
4.The lecture notes, exercises sheets, as well as the Zoom IDs, will be distributed in due time.


Physics Schedule

Mode of instruction

This course consists of three modules.
Each module spans five weeks and consists of a two-hour lectures + a two-hour problem session the first four weeks, and an exam the fifth week.

Assessment method

Three pass/fail exams: all three exams must be passed in order to pass the course.


To have access to Blackboard you need a ULCN-account.Blackboard UL

Reading list

Announced by lectures. See website.


Contactdetails Teacher(s):Prof.dr.J.Zaanen(Jan)