
nl en

Eerste jaar

The first year of the bachelor programme in Medicine is taught entirely in Dutch. Please refer to the Dutch pages of this study guide for more information.

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Start tot arts 6
Zorgstage 3
Van mens tot cel 7
Van cel tot molecuul 6
Van basis tot homeostase 9
Sturing en stofwisseling 7
Hersenen en Aansturing 7
Lijn Gezondheidsbevordering jaar 1 1
Lijn Beroepsvorming jaar 1 5
Academische en Wetenschappelijke Vorming jaar 1 5
Lijn Organisatie en Samenwerking jaar 1 1
Line Pharmacology 1
Voortgangstoets 2
Studiebegeleiding, mentoraat en voorlichting GNK

Tweede jaar

The second year of the bachelor programme in Medicine is taught entirely in Dutch. Please refer to the Dutch pages of this study guide for more information.

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Mechanisms of disease 1 8
Mechanisms of disease 2 8
Line Academic Scientific Training Year 2 5
Vraagstukken Bewegen 9
Vraagstukken Buik 8
Vraagstukken Borst en Nier 8
Vraagstukken Psychisch Functioneren 5
Lijn Beroepsvorming jaar 2 4
Lijn Gezondheidsbevordering jaar 2 1
Lijn Organisatie en Samenwerking jaar 2 1
Pharmacology 1
Voortgangstoets 2

Derde jaar

The third year of the bachelor programme in Medicine is taught entirely in Dutch. For more information on third year’s courses please refer to the Dutch pages of this e-guide.

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Half Minors 15
Clinical problems: Observation, Reflection, Action 7
Clinical problems: from reproduction to adulthood 8
Clinical problems in ageing: diversity and choices 7
Clinical problems in acute care 6
Clinical problems in the general practice setting 6
Line Academic and scientific development 4
Line professional development 3
Line Organisation and Collaboration 1
Line Organisation and Collaboration 1
Voortgangstoets 2