
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Electronic Communications Law 5
Elektrische en Magnetische Velden 5
Elementary practical biology and methods for non-biologists 3
Elementary practical mathematics for non-mathematicians 3
Embedded Research Project 15
Embedded Systems and Software 6
EMOS Core Module 12
Emotion and Cognition 5
Emotions and (Ir)rationality in Economic Behaviour 5
Empire and Post Empire: Anti-colonialism and Decolonization 5
Empirical Research in the Life and Behavioural Sciences 3
En quête d'une pop-culture préindustrielle 10
Energie, recycling en veiligheid (ERV) 6
Energy and Resource Management 5
Energy Governance in a Post-carbon World 10
Energy Policy of the EU 5
Energy Transition: Photon Power 4
Enforcement And Monitoring of Children's Rights 10
Engineering of Living Systems (Delft) 3
Engineering Risk Management in Organisations 5
English Contract Law 5
English Historical Linguistics 10
English Word Formation 10
English-Language Popular Culture 5
Enlightenment & Revolution: Europe & Political Thought, 1648-1848 10
Enterprise Architecture 6
Entrepreneurial Finance (Leiden) 5
Entrepreneurial Opportunities 6
Entrepreneurs and Markets 5
Entrepreneurship 3
Entrepreneurship and Impact: First steps to starting your own business 5
Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Leiden) 5
Entrepreneurship: Theory and practice (Campus The Hague) 5
Environmental Economics 5
Environmental Governance 5
Environmental Input-Output Analysis 10
Environmental Philosophy 10
Environmental Politics 5
Environmental Processes 6
Environmental Psychology 5
Environmental Science 5
Enzyme dynamics: NMR spectroscopy and kinetics (EDNMR) 6
Epigrafie van het spijkerschrift 5
Epigraphy: Hebrew and Moabite Inscriptions (10 EC) 10
Epigraphy: Hebrew and Moabite Inscriptions (5 EC) 5
Epistemologie 5
Epistemologie 5
Epistemology 5
Epos: Homerus en Vergilius 10
Equipping the QIST Professional [1/2]