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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Geluid: Sound and space 8
Gender and Diversity: New Approaches in Critical and Cultural Theory 10
General Introduction to Art in China 5
General Research Skills 5
Genome organization and maintenance in cancer and aging (GCA) 6
Genomic Architecture 6
Georgian Language for Beginners 5
Global and European Labour Law 10
Global Christianity 5
Global Health (NL) 15
Global History 5
Global History 5
Global Memory Practices 10
Global Political Economy 5
Global Security 5
Globalisation in World History: An Archaeological Perspective 5
Good Research Practices 5
Greek Papyrology 10
Group Dynamics (IBP) 5
Hacking the Humanities: An Introduction to Digital Humanities and Text Mining 5
Hands-on Research Experience in Museum Volkenkunde 10
Hands-On: Reflective Game Development in Action 10
Health and Medical Psychology 10
Health Psychology in Practice 5
Health, ageing and genetic diversity 4
Heart and Blood Vessels 15
Heterogeneous Catalysis (HET) 6
High Contrast Imaging 3
High Performance Computing I 6
High Performance Computing II 6
High-dimensional data analysis 6
Hindi 4 10
Hindi Literature 10
Hindu Myths in the Art of South and Southeast Asia 5
Historical Criminology 5
Historical Linguistics 5
Histories of Modern South and Southeast Asia 5
History and Culture of Modern Turkey 5
History of Central Asia & Afghanistan 5
History of Construction and Heritage 5
History of Contemporary Iran 5
History of Contemporary Music Composition 2
History of European Decorative Arts and Design 5
History of European Public Law 5
History of Modern Philosophy 5
History of Political Philosophy 5
History of the human lineage 6
History of the Middle East 2 (1500-present) 5
History writing in and on the Achaemenid Empire 10
History: Africa 5