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Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Comparative Corporate Law 5
Comparative Criminal Justice Research Methods 10
Competition Law 5
Contemporary Issues - Privatissimum 10
Corporate Finance 5
Corporate Social Responsibility 5
Courts and Sentencing 5
Crime and Migration 5
Crime and Migration (Honours College Law) 5
Crime, Data, and Ethics: The Application of Computational Research Methods in Criminology  5
Criminalistics (keuzevak) 5
Criminalistiek 10
Criminaliteit en beleid in grote steden 5
Criminaliteitsbestrijding - wat mag er, wat gebeurt er en wanneer werkt het en wanneer niet? 5
Criminologie Voor Juristen 5
Criminologische Vaardigheden 5
Cybercrime 5
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity 5
Daders 5
Design of Justice: The juvenile courtroom of the future 5
Digital Child Rights 5
Digital Government 5
Directe Belastingen I 10
Directe Belastingen II 10
Discrimination Law: Transnational Perspectives 5
Disputing Deconstructed 5
E) Profileringsvak: Aanbestedingsrecht 5
Economic Policy in the EU 5
Economic, Social And Cultural Rights Of Children 5
Economie in hoofdlijnen (LAW) 5
Economie in Hoofdlijnen voor minor Economie en Beleid (DH) 5
Economie van de publieke sector 5
Economisch beleid in de Europese Unie 5
Elective: Current Issues in Law and Society 5
Elective: Mobilizing Rights and Social Justice 5
Elective: Regulation and Compliance 5
Elective: The Challenges of Globalization, Migration, and Cross-Border Mobility 5
Electronic Communications Law 5
Enforcement & Litigation 5
Enforcement And Monitoring of Children's Rights 10
Entrepreneurial Finance 5
Entrepreneurship and Innovation 5
Erfrecht 10
Ethical and Legal Issues in Pricing Management 5
Ethics & Digital Technologies 5
Ethiek (LAW) 5
EU Financial Law 10
EU Institutional Law & General Principles of EU Law 10
EU Internal Market and Competition Law 10
EU Internal Market Law 5