
nl en
Naam EC Semester 1 Semester 2
`Ulamâ' in the Modern Muslim World 10
'De Dageraad der Volksbevrijding’. Socialisten, arbeiders en de staat in Nederland 5
Academic and Professional Skills (Science) 3
Academisch schrijven, Taalvaardigheid III 5
Accounting 3
Activating the Past: Heritage, Sources & Public History of Africa 5
Actors and Behaviour in Cyberspace 4
Adoptie en pleegzorg in pedagogisch perspectief 5
Advanced Aramaic 10
Advanced Biblical Hebrew Grammar 10
Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 5
Advanced Computational Methods in Drug Discovery: AI and Physics Based simulations 4
Advanced Data Management for Data Analysis 6
Advanced Fetal and Neonatal Care 15
Advanced Indo-European Morphology (Noun) 10
Advanced Korean Reading 10
Advanced measure theory (BM) 6
Advanced Morphology 5
Advanced Optical Imaging (Delft) 6
Advanced Phonology 1 5
Advanced Phonology 2 5
Advanced Readings in Classical Chinese 5
Advanced Readings in Sanskrit Literature 10
Advanced Statistical Computing 3
Advanced Topics in Indo-European Phonology 10
Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics I 6
Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics II 6
Advanced Typology 10
Advances in Data Mining 6
Advocacy in Global Challenges and Climate Change 5
Aerospace Law 5
African Networks: diaspora, international relations, connectivity 10
Against Caste and Race: Identity and Resistance in a Global Context 5
Agents of the Book 10
AI & Ethics 3
AI for Strategy 3
Algebra 2 6
Algebra 3 6
Algebraic Curves (BM) 6
All Mastermath fall courses 6/8
Alternative representations and engagements: On the agency and political power of contemporary arts 10
Analyse 1 NA 6
Analyse 2 (Wiskunde variant voor dubbelstudenten met Wiskunde) 6
Analyse 2 NA 6
Analyse 3 NA 6
Analyse van Nederland in moderne films, Cultuurwetenschap I 5
Analyse van poëzie en proza, Cultuurwetenschap II 5
Anatolian Languages: Hittite and Luwian 5
Ancient Egyptian Law 5
Ancient Near Eastern Law 5