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Master Education and Child Studies

Hartelijk welkom bij de Masteroropleiding Education and Child Studies. Direct aan het begin kiest u één van de volgende zes specialisaties:

Deze opleiding duurt één jaar en na afloop beschikken afgestudeerden over de onder Eindtermen opgesomde kennis, vaardigheden en houding. Bij de afzonderlijke beschrijvingen van de vakken wordt telkens vermeld welke eindtermen in een vak aan de orde zijn.

Eindtermen (Achievement levels)

Graduates of the master’s programme in Education and Child Studies will possess the knowledge, skills and attitude set forth below. Within the time limits established for this, and by means of the prescribed forms of assessment, they will give evidence that they have mas-tered the required knowledge, skills and attitudes.
The Master in Education and Child Studies will possess the following knowledge and skills:
1. analyzing and conceptualizing questions and problems in one of the specializations the master’s programme covers, and reporting on them orally and in written form, both for an audience with an academic background (e.g. in scientific journals) and for a lay audience;
2. designing, organizing, carrying out and reporting on research in one of the specializa-tions in the master’s programme;
3. understanding and evaluating high-level research in the domain of Education and Child Studies and scientific literature in the field. For this purpose the master is competent in methodological and technical research skills that are customary in Education and Child Studies in general, and in the master’s specialization in particular;
4. formulating relevant strategies and alternative courses of action to solve a professional problem;
5. collecting scientific literature, critically evaluating it, establishing its relevance and summarizing its core ideas;
6. writing a scientifically and ethically responsible description and analysis of practical and theoretical pedagogical problems;
7. analyzing (both in written form and orally) and influencing problematic child-raising and/or educational situations in the family, school, society and social work institutions;
8. reading and understanding professional literature in English;
9. designing and carrying out research designs, independently and in a group setting;
10. critically analyzing and evaluating a research report;
11. formulating a consistent vision or discourse in writing, making use of suitably balanced scientific arguments;
12. communicating in an effective and professional manner, both orally and in written form, regarding issues of relevance to the profession;
13. receiving and processing feedback on his or her performance;
14. collaborating with others,taking a leadership role in a team and stimulating the members of that team.

At the same time graduates will have mastered an academic attitude, demonstrating this in:
15. an inquisitive, critical, scrutinizing stance;
16. the capacity and motivation to apply scientific knowledge and insights to child-rearing and educational problems;
17. the capacity and motivation to acquire new knowledge and insights, doing so with a high degree of independence;
18. critical reflection on the implications of ethically responsible scientific action, both one’s own and that of others.
19. graduates have mastered the knowledge, skills and attitude to either be accepted for a research programme (doctoral course) in the field of Education and Child Studies, or to be able to practise a profession in a field in which educational scientists can be employed, or be admitted to a post-graduate professional training programme.

De Onderwijs- en Examenregeling (OER), waarin de eindtermen zijn opgenomen, staat op onze website


Het rooster van de volledige Masteropleiding staat op onze website
Het rooster van de afzonderlijke vakken kunt u aanklikken in de vakbeschrijving van elk vak.