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Privatissimum: International and European Non-Discrimination Law


Admission requirements

This course is only open to students of the Legal Track (LL.M.) of the LDE Master on the Governance of Migration and Diversity, sub-track to European law LL.M.


Building on the knowledge acquired in the course on International and European Non-discrimination Law, this course will deepen and solidify students' knowledge in the field.

Based on individual research, under the supervision of the lecturer, students will write a fully-fledged academic paper. During the course, students will further share their findings during presentations that mimic academic conferences and will be provided with peer-review on their work. Students will be supported in every step to completion of that paper: developing a research proposal, writing a literature review, presenting (interim findings), incorporating (peer) review, and producing a final academic paper. The course format allows for working in small groups and receiving personal feedback from the tutor. A number of introductory lectures will be offered on research methodology, academic writing and presentation skills. After this, students will embark on their own research with a view to producing the final research paper.

Course objectives

Objectives of the course

The course aims at developing students’ research and writing skills. At the end of this course students will be able to:
1. Formulate a research question
2. Draft a research proposal
3. Draft a research paper
4. Comment on the research question, structure and substantive content of a peer’s paper
5. Hold a presentation discussing their research

The following achievement levels apply with regard to the course:

  • Carry out indipendent academic research based on a guiding research question,

  • develop and formulate a research proposal,

  • write an academic paper based on indipendent research and guided by a research proposal,

  • give a presentation in class introducing and defending research outcomes,

  • providing fair and informed peer review for the work of other students.


Check MyTimetable.

Mode of instruction


The course offers introductory lectures on academic skills such as research methodology, writing an academic paper and presenting work in public. More information about the specifics will follow later.


Students will do research, which they will then present to their tutor and peers, mirroring an academic workshop discussion. See for more information hereunder.

Other methods of instruction

After the introductory lectures working seminars will be organized wherein students can work on their research proposals and papers under the guidance of lecturers. At a later stage of the course, students will present their work and receive (peer) review on their preliminary research outcomes. The exact schedule will be announced in advance via brightspace.

Assessment method

Examination form(s)

During this course students will submit two smaller written assignments (paper outline and literature review), draft papers and one final paper. They will also present their research and comment on their peer's papers. The final grade for this course will be based on the grades for:

  • Literature review: 20%

  • Presentation in class and peer review: 20%

  • Final Paper: 60%

The presentation grade consists of class presentation, comments on other students' papers and class participation.

Attendance and active participation in this course is compulsory. Failure to respect deadlines to submit papers or unauthorised absence may result in a lower overall grade or exclusion from the course.

Submission procedures

to be announced

Areas to be tested within the exam

The examination syllabus consists of the required reading (literature) for the course, the course information guide and the subjects taught in the lectures, the seminars and all other instructions which are part of the course.

Reading list

Obligatory course materials

There will be complulsoty literature for the introductory lectures only. These will be annouced in the course description and via brightspace in advance. Thereafter, gathering relevant academic literature is part of the course itself as part of the process of writing an academic paper.


Registration for courses and exams takes place via MyStudymap. If you do not have access to MyStudymap (guest students), look here (under the Law-tab) for more information on the registration procedure in your situation.  


  • Coordinator: Moritz Jesse

  • Work address: Steenschuur 25, 2311ES Leiden

  • Contact information: KOG

  • Telephone number: +31 71 527 7232

  • Email:


  • Institute: Public Law

  • Department: European Law

  • Room number secretary: B1.11 KOG

  • Opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00

  • Telephone number secretary: +31 (0)71-527 3596

  • Email:
