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Rechtsgeleerdheid: European Law

Deze opleiding is een afstudeerrichting van Rechtsgeleerdheid.

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Voor Nederlandse studenten

De master Rechtsgeleerdheid – European Law maakt deel uit van het pilotproject “Slimmer Academisch jaar”. Dit project richt zich erop het academische jaar te verkorten en efficiënter te maken, met behoud (of zelfs verbetering) van de kwaliteit van het onderwijs. Omdat het project zich in de pilotfase bevindt kan deze vakbeschrijving onderhevig aan wijzigingen zijn. Deze eventuele wijzigingen zullen tijdig met studenten worden gecommuniceerd en afgestemd. Voor meer informatie over het project, zie hier en hier.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Semester 1

ILS – Global law: legal reasoning in International, EU and national law 5
EU Institutional Law & General Principles of EU Law 10
Capita Selecta of European Law - Privatissimum 10

Nederlandse studenten kiezen 1 van de 3 vakken hieronder:

European Protection of Human Rights 5
EU External Relations Law 5
Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 5

Semester 2

EU Internal Market and Competition Law 10
European Law in Practice - Practicum 10
Thesis Master of Law 10

For international students

The LL.M programme Law – European Law is part of the ‘Smarter Academic Year’ pilot project. This project aims to make the academic year shorter and more efficient while maintaining (or even improving) the quality of teaching. As the project is in its pilot phase, this course description may be subject to change. All changes will be communicated and agreed with students in good time. For more information about the project, see here and here.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Semester 1

EU Institutional Law & General Principles of EU Law 10
Capita Selecta of European Law - Privatissimum 10

International students choose 2 of the 3 courses below:

European Protection of Human Rights 5
EU External Relations Law 5
Europe's Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 5

Semester 2

EU Internal Market and Competition Law 10
European Law in Practice - Practicum 10
Thesis Master of Law 10

Governance of Migration and Diversity

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Semester 1

ILS - Protection of Human Rights 5
International and European Non-Discrimination Law 5

Joint Courses:

History of Migration and Diversity 5
Sociology of Migration and Diversity 5
Governance of Migration and Diversity 5
Politics of Migration and Diversity 5

Semester 2

Privatissimum: International and European Non-Discrimination Law 5
International and European Migration and Asylum Law 5

Joint Course:

Migration & Development 5
International and European Migration and Asylum Law in Practice (Moot Court) 5
Master Thesis: Governance of Migration and Diversity 10


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