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Research Internship


***This page contains the information of the course in year 2023-2024, and will be updatet as soon as possible. *


The Honours research internship enables students to explore what it means to conduct research in an academic setting. Students assist scientists in their everyday professional life to better understand how research works in practice. Possible tasks are therefore diverse, range from the collection, processing, and analysis of data to the conduct of interviews and literature searches.

Students enter the internship with some specific questions in mind, for instance: How do scientists collaborate with societal actors, like municipalities and civil society organizations? What does a scientific experiment with participants look like in practice? The internship enables students to look for an answer to their question in a field of their choice, such as Cultural Anthropology, Clinical Psychology, and International Relations.

Course objectives

Through their research internship, we strive to achieve that students are able to:

  • practice the knowledge obtained during the Honours College trajectory in real work situations

  • gain further practical knowledge from concrete and specific situations in work-related settings

  • engage in reflection and reflexivity before, during, and after their practice in an organization

  • employ their strengths and weaknesses more consciously and strategically in an organization

Mode of instruction

Depending on the extent and duration of the activities involved, this internship is worth between 1 and 5 EC (which includes compiling the internship report). Students can find a manual with more information about the research internship on Brightspace.

Assessment method

Internship plan and contract (pass/ fail)
The internship is supervised by a supervisor from the research institution where the student carries out the internship. Students draw up a short internship plan and an internship contract between themselves, the supervisor from the research institution, and an assigned internship teacher from the Honours College track Science, Society and Self. The internship contract and plan need to be approved and signed before the start of the internship.

Internship report (pass/ fail)
After the internship, students write a report, which includes information about their motivation for choosing this internship, a description of the research study and the activities carried out in the context of the internship, as well as an evaluation and reflection on their own performance. The assigned internship teacher from the Honours College track Science, Society and Self provides feedback for growth.


The research internship can be in any language. The internship plan, contract, and report must be in English or Dutch.


The skills covered in this course differ between internships. The skills shown in bold are for sure covered in this course:

Researching Collaborating Reflecting
Analysing Oral communication Independent learning
Generating solutions Written communication Resilience
Project-based working Presenting
Digital skills Societal awareness


The student can start with the research internship in consultation with the internship supervisor and the assigned internship teacher from the Honours College track Science, Society and Self. The number of hours spent to the internship per week is also discussed with these persons.

During the internship information meeting former students share their recommendations for finding an internship and their research internship experiences. This is followed by a question and answer round.

Date Time Location Program
nnb 17:15-19:00 Leiden Internship information meeting

Admission requirements

Second- or third-year students of the Honours College track Science, Society and Self can follow a research internship. Students can contact their coach regarding the practicalities.


You do not need to register for a research internship. Your first step in organizing a research internship is contacting your coach.

Contact information

If you have any questions, please contact your coach.