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Registration, Analysis and Synthesis of Speech


The main goal of this workshop is to offer participants both the knowledge and the experience needed to make independent use of the equipment and software which is used in experimental phonetics. Attention is also paid to the underlying principles, so that they can be used in a creative yet scientifically correct way. The possibilities to add functions to the software by means of (simple) scripts are addressed as too. Finally students are being trained to find and remove the cause of problems in a structured way.

Method of instruction

In this workshop, students will attend 13 lessons/instructions of 2 hours, weekly. Each week, before the next class, one has to complete a practical assignment. These experiments are to be carried out in the lab, alone or in small groups. Of every experiment a small report should be written.


Readers and hand-outs will be available during the classes. The costs of these materials and other parts used will be charged and are € 10,00.


Students have to attend all the weekly instruction lessons. Evaluation is also based on the progress made in the laboratory and on the written reports. There will be no final examination.


Ing. J.J.A. Pacilly


Speech Analysis


Check the website of the Linguistics Department for the Lecture timetable.