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Linguistics (Research): Structure and Variation in the Languages of the World

The Leiden University Research Master’s programme in Linguistics provides intensive and comprehensive training covering the entire range of present-day linguistic research.

The basic programme consists of three compulsory core courses, each worth 10 ECTS. The core courses give a general overview of different linguistic disciplines and approaches.

A total of 60 ects needs to be obtained in one of the following ways:

  • If students want to specialize in a subdiscipline offered by Leiden University, it is possible to choose one of the nine tracks.

  • Students who do not want to commit to a certain track, can choose a free programme. In this programme, students can choose any of the courses offered in the different tracks. In the latter case, students need the approval of the Board of Examiners (contact the coordinator Grace Rowicka for more information).

  • Other linguistic courses in a MA programme that have at least a level of 500, if you find any not listed under any of the tracks, may also be selected by students (subject to approval by the Board of Examiners of Research MA Linguistics). You may search for such courses through the websites and timetables of various departments (see list to the right).

It is also possible for students to organize tutorials, small-scale classes at 5 or 10 ECTS (subject to approval by the Board of Examiners of Research Master of Linguistics). Students can arrange tutorials by approaching teachers or by consulting the coordinator Grace Rowicka.

The degree courses are completed with a thesis of 30 ECTS and a final examination.

Core Courses

The Research Master programme in linguistics offers three core courses, which are obligatory for all students.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Core: Approaches to Diversity 10
Core: Samples of Linguistic Structure I: Analysis 10
Core: Samples of Linguistic Structure II: Typology 10


At this moment, nine separate tracks are offered within the Research MA programme. A free track is available for students who do not wish to commit to a certain track . This allows maximum freedom as to the choice of courses selected. For more information on the Research Master programme, please contact the programme coordinator, dr. Grace Rowicka (+31 (0)71 527 2083)

Available tracks:

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2

Language Change and Variation

Aspects of Bilingualism applied to Latin America. 10
Dagboeken als ingang tot de andere taalgeschiedenis. 10
Field Methods and Linguistic Analysis. 5
Historical English Phonology 10
L'italiano contemporeano: uso e varietà 10
Language Change: English and Beyond 10
Language Contact 5
Language in Africa. 5
Language Shift 10
Normative Linguistics: The case of Fowler 10
Old Church Slavic 10
Problems of Bilingualism and Linguistic Variation 10
Research seminar: Language Variation and Language Change 10
Sociolinguistics 10
Topics in English Historical Syntax 10
Welk Nederlands spraken zij? Communicatie over zee in gekaapte brieven. 10

Descriptive Linguistics

Anthropological Linguistics 5
Areal language survey of Eastern Indonesia 5
Articulatory Phonetics & Typology of Sounds 5
Berber Linguistics. 5
Describing Morphosyntax 5
Field Methods and Linguistic Analysis 5
Language, Culture and Cognition 5
Tone in African Languages. 5
Typology and Language Description 5

Formal Linguistics

Advanced Phonetics 10
Advanced Phonology 10
Advanced Semantics 10
Advanced Syntax 10
Elective: Cognitive Neuroscience of Language 10
Elective: Methods in Child Language Research 10
Elective: Morphological Theory 10
Elective: Syntax-Semantics 10
Registration, Analysis and Synthesis of Speech 5
Statistics 5

African Linguistics

Berber Linguistics 5
Field Methods and Linguistic Analysis* 5
Introduction to Berber Studies 5
Language in Africa 5
Language, Culture and Cognition. 5
Tarifiyt Berber 5
Tashelhiyt Berber 5
Tone in African Languages 5

Dutch Linguistics

Argumentatieve en retorische praktijken 10
Dagboeken als ingang tot de andere taalgeschiedenis 10
De sturende kracht van taal: semantiek of pragmatiek 10
Onderzoeksgroep Nederlands als tweede taal 10
Retorisch vuurwerk in politiek Den Haag 10
Strategische presentatie van argumentatie 10
Welk Nederlands spraken zij? Communicatie over zee in gekaapte brieven 10

English Linguistics

Language Acquisition: Language Shift 10
Language Acquisition: Second Language Acquisition 10
Language Acquisition: Sociolinguistics 10
Linguistics: Historical English Phonology 10
Linguistics: Language Change: English and Beyond 10
Linguistics: The Phonetics, Phonology and Sociolinguistics of Liquids in English and Dutch 10
Linguistics: Topics in English Historical Syntax 10
Linguistics: Topics in English Syntax 10
Philology: Normative Linguistics: The case of Fowler 10

Romance Linguistics

Aspects of bilingualism applied to Latin America 10
Italian Linguistics 10
Italiano (MA): Strutture e varietà dell’italiano 10
Language Variation and Language Change (Research Seminar) 10
MA Le groupe nominal en français 10
Master Class: Problems of bilingualism and linguistic variation 10
Research in Latin America 20

Slavic Linguistics

Aspect (with special focus on Russian and other Slavic languages) 10
History of Russian Linguistics 10
Linguistics 4: Old Church Slavic 10
Overview of East-European Linguistics 10

Indo-European Linguistics

Colloquium Capita Selecta I 5
Colloquium Capita Selecta II 5


During the first three semesters of the Research Master programme, students can follow elective courses. These are linguistics courses offered in one of the MA programmes that have at least a level of 500. When a course is not listed as belonging to a certain track, it may still be possible for students to select this course as an elective. This is subject to approval by the Research MA Examination Committee. In case of doubt, always contact the programme coordinator. Available courses can be found under the track courses or on within the (MA) programmes listed below.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Elective: Cognitive Neuroscience of Language 10
Elective: Language Modelling 10
Elective: Methods in Child Language Research 10
Elective: Morphological Theory 10
Elective: Syntax-Semantics 10

Meer info

Master’s thesis and requirements for graduation


The Leiden University research master’s programme in Linguistics provides intensive and comprehensive training covering the entire range of present-day linguistic research. The end of the 20th century witnessed a return of the interest in the diversity of human languages in virtually all existing approaches to linguistics. While descriptive, historical, and anthropological linguists have traditionally emphasised the variability of languages, scholars working in structuralist traditions aiming to uncover specific linguistic universal themes have also recognised the challenge posed by the immense variation between and within languages, and have started to develop theories and methods in attempts to meet it. Students in the research masters Linguistics programme receive education and training that introduces them to and prepares them for innovative research at the front line of present-day linguistic investigation along the lines presented above.

Completion of a research master’s degree in Linguistics qualifies graduates for the pursuit of a PhD research project. At the same time, graduates will have acquired good credentials for working as a consultant or employee for an international or governmental agency, multinational business enterprise or non-governmental organisation. Because of the unique curriculum of the programme and the research experience accrued, graduates are an asset to any undertaking in the areas of sustainable development, investigative journalism, social engineering, education planning, and human resource management in a multicultural and multilingual context.


The programme consists of three compulsory core courses, each worth 10 ects. Students also follow optional components for a total of 60 ects. The degree courses are completed with a thesis of 30 ects and a final examination. The thesis is a small-scale, original research project, submitted by the student as a contribution to scholarly debate. In principle, the thesis should be suitable for publication in a scientific journal.


  • A BA-degree with a relevant specialisation and good results from a recognised university;

  • IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 600/250 for non-native speakers of English.
    Selection takes place by considering not only the final mark for the Bachelor’s thesis and the level of command of the English language, but several other aspects as well. Important factors are motivation and eagerness to carry out scientific research, as should be demonstrated in the documents required for the admission procedure and/or interview with the candidate.


All students admitted to the programme participate in a common set of courses providing them with the necessary foundations for further training and research, through confrontation with research methods and results in different approaches to linguistic diversity, presented by specialists in the field. By choosing a particular composition of courses within this common framework, a student may opt for an established or personalised study track, also aimed at a specific type of career. Tracks may also be characterised by special emphasis on the combination of studied languages.

Master’s thesis and requirements for graduation

Students choose a supervisor and a general thesis area no later than at the end of the second semester. Supervisor and student agree on an individual study track, which is submitted to the Board of Examination. The proposal should meet the requirements of the general structure of the research master’s programme, and contain justification for the choice of Language Study courses, tutorials and electives, in relation to the topic ofthe thesis. Also see:


  • The Research track Language Change and Variation comprises courses that deal with language variation in both the present day and within a socio-historical context. For specific information about this track, please contact the track coordinator, Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade, or +31 (0)71 527 2163.

  • The Research Track Descriptive Linguistics seeks to unify the questions and expertise in descriptive projects carried out in a wide variety of regions around the world. For specific information on this track, please contact the track co-ordinator Marian Klamer, or +31 (0)71 527 2783.

  • The Research track Formal Linguistics offers a research and training programme in the classical topics of formal linguistics. For specific information on this track, please contact the track co-ordinator Crit Cremers, or +31 (0)71 527 5491.

  • The Research Track Indo-European Linguistics capitalises on the world-renowned expertise in comparative Indo-European linguistics in Leiden. For more information on this track, please contact track co-ordinator Michiel de Vaan, or +31 (0)71 527 2051.

  • The Research track African Linguistics combines the expertise in Leiden on African Linguistics. For specific information on this track, please contact the track co-ordinator Maarten Kossman, or +31 (0)71 527 2649.

  • The Research track Dutch Linguistics combines the expertise in Leiden on Dutch Linguistics. For specific information on this track, please contact the track co-ordinator Henrike Jansen, or +31 (0)71 527 2131.

  • The Research track English Linguistics capitalises on the spectrum of knowledge in English Linguistics in Leiden. For specific information on this track, please contact the track co-ordinators, Bert Botma, or +31 (0)71 527 2150; and Marion Elenbaas, or +31 (0)71 527 2957.

  • The Research track Romance Linguistics capitalises on the broad knowledge on Romance Linguistics in Leiden. For specific information on this track, please contact the track coordinator Jenny Doetjes", or +31 (0)71 527 2181.

  • The Research track Slavic Linguistics capitalises on the broad knowledge on Slavic linguistics in Leiden, for more information on this track, please contact the track co-ordinator Egbert Fortuin, or +31 (0)71 527 2075