This course will provide an advanced introduction to linguistic methodology for the study of syntactic phenomena. Starting from the definition of ‘pronoun’ and ‘clitic’, the students will be confronted with a number of issues involving these elements in Italian and guided towards a thorough understanding of the linguistic phenomena that interest them. They will be also encouraged to offer their own solutions to open questions.
Language of instruction: Italian (and/or English).
-Graffi & Scalise, Le lingue e il linguaggio. Bologna: Il Mulino (2002). Capp. (4-5) 6-8
-Graffi, G. Sintassi. Bologna: Il Mulino (1994), capp. 2, 5, 6-10
-Donati, C. Sintassi elementare. Roma: Carocci (2002)
Un capitolo a scelta tra:
-Sobrero, Introduzione all’italiano contemporaneo. Le strutture. Bari: Laterza
cap Fonetica e Fonologia
cap _Morfologia
_cap _Sintassi
_cap _Lessico e semantica
cap _Pragmatica