Public Budgeting and Finance
This course provides an introduction to the most basic fiscal choices made by government. How big should government be? What is a good source of revenue? What is a good expenditure? Our approach to answering these questions will be comparative in several senses. That is, we will compare how different theoretical and disciplinary approaches to fiscal analysis – economic, institutional, political, and rational – answer these questions. We will also see how these questions have been answered in different times and in different places. Our approach to answering these questions will also blend theoretical and applied orientations. That is, the paper assignments will be framed around applied policy choices made by government. But evaluations of these choices will be conducted on the basis of applying theoretical insights from the literatures on these topics.
Prof. Dr. D. Lowery
One core text is used, as listed below. Students should note that the amount of reading from this text varies considerably through the term. Students should read ahead in order to even out the weight of the assignments. Students should also understand that the readings from the text and lectures are to some extend independent of each other. One will not be a substitute for the other. Students are expected to master both. In addition to the assigned book, several journal articles will be assigned and are required reading. Indeed, they are perhaps even more important to success in the course than the lectures and should be fully read prior to the class in which they are to be discussed. These are available electronically on blackboard, as are outlines of the seven lectures.
C. A. de Kam, L. Koopmans, and A. H. E. M. Wellink. 2008. Overheidsfinancien. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoof. ISBN: 978-90-01-70980-8.
In addition to studying the assigned readings and being prepared to discuss them in class, the final course grades will be based on a final exam using short essays and multiple choice and true-false questions. The course will be conducted in English, but exam answers and papers can be written in English or/of Nederlands.
Hoorcolleges: dinsdag 2/2 – 16/3 van 11-13u in zaal: 1A-20
Vrijdag 26 maart 2010 van 13-16u in zaal: SC-01
Dinsdag 8 juni 2010 van 9-12u in het USC
Let op! Er kunnen nog wijzigingen optreden in dit rooster.
Laatste wijziging: 29 juli 2009.