This course can be followed as part of a BA specialisation Media and Culture.
(onderdeel van BA Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie)
Course Description
This course (formerly known as “Advanced Course in Visual Ethnography”) offers a hands-on training for the use of video by anthropologists. The course focuses on the possibilities that video recordings offer for anthropological research, as well as for the creation of ethnographic films that can be the result of such research. English is the language of tuition, unless only Dutch students are present.
Drs. Metje Postma, room nr: 3A31 (Pieter de la Bourt Building), tel. 071 – 527 3480, e-mail:
Methods of Instruction
Lectures, film viewings, tutorials
Methods of Examination
7 written assignments related to literature and film-viewings
practical assignments resulting in an individual film-project (including conducting research, making a film-plan, filming and editing)
Loizos, P. 1995. Innovation in Ethnographic Film: From Innocence to Selfconsciousness. University of Chicago Press
a selection of articles to be announced on Blackboard
(a total of ca. 340 pages)
A detailed course programme will be published on Blackboard several weeks before the start of the course.
Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 February – 28 May 2010, 14-17 h
(no class on 2 and 30 April, 5 and 12 May)
Location: Filmzaal, Pieter de al Court Building
Admission requirements
Only students who have completed the course “Visual Methods” (formerly known as “Introductory Course to Visual Ethnography”) can apply for “Ethnographic Fimmaking”. This condition applies also to students from other Dutch universities, and to foreign students.
A maximum of twelve (12) students can be admitted to this course. Other students can attend the lectures, but do not have access to the tutorials. Preference will be given to students of the Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology of Leiden University.
Financial contribution per student: € 50,-
International exchange students who have already finished the course “Visual Methods” or “Introductory Course to Visual Ethnograpgy”:
For application please follow regular procedure through International Office , or contact the departmental coordinator N. Osterhaus-Simic.BA studenten ingeschreven aan het Instituut Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie aan de Universiteit Leiden:
Inschrijving mogelijk via het secretariaat CA-OS, kamer 3A19, tel. 5273469, e-mail: , tussen 30 november 2009 en 22 januari 2010.Studenten die culturele antropologie studeren een andere Nederlandse universiteiten kunnen zich ook aanmelden via het Secretariaat CA-OS (zie boven), maar worden geplaatst alleen als er voldoende plaats is. Plaatsing geschiedt in dat geval op volgorde van aanmelding. Na 20 januari 2010 krijgen alle aangemelde gaststudenten een plaatsingsbericht.