In these lectures the BBB will be discussed in relation to drug transport to the brain, particularly with emphasis on the morphology, functionality and regulation of the BBB. Further, BBB functionality will be related to BBB permeability, drug transporters at the BBB and drug metabolism by the BBB. Special attention will be given to the influence of diseases at the BBB. Methods will be discussed to estimate in vitro and in vivo BBB functionality and permeability and a case study will be given to the students to be worked out during and discussed at the end of the course.
Dr. A.G. de Boer
Students of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biomedical Sciences
Admittance demands
Theme drug effects (2)
Method of instruction
Required reading
a handout will be given at the beginning of the Lecture Series
written exam
minimal amount of students
minimum of 5 students
Time table
From 20 October to 17 November on Wednesdays from 9.00 to 12.45 h and on Thursday 18 November from 13.30-15.15 h.
Via e-mail: B.Boer@LACDR.LeidenUniv.NL