Current Issues of International Relations and Organizations
This course is limited to 20 master students who have completed the
course Introduction to International Relations and Organisations, or
a similar introduction in international relations. The students write
term papers, give oral presentations, and take a written-exam on
various, topical issues of international organizations and world
Prof. dr. ir. J. Voorrhoeve
Teaching format:
Seminar meetings
Course Material:
Weiss, Forsythe and Coate, The United Nations and Changing World Politics, most recent edition.
Presentation of papers, written examination
Schedule Block III:
Monday 6/2 t/m 19/3
Time: 11-13 hrs
Room: Campus The Hague,Stichthage, Buitenhof
Tuesday 12/4 from 18-21 hrs, Lange Houtstraat, room 403
Tuesday 12/06 from 9-12 hrs in Stichthage, room Korte Voorhout
This schedule is subject to change