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General Pathology II



This module is an in-depth course on the pathological aspects of immune mediated conditions. It further elaborates on the basic topics which have been dealt with in General Pathology I. The main themes are:

  • Immunopathology

  • Transplantation

  • Infectious diseases

All themes focus on understanding disease processes and their histopathological correlates. Diseases will be discussed in terms of etiology, pathogenesis, morphologic changes and clinical significance. The subject matter will be illustrated with diseases that exemplify the disease processes studied. Following introductory lectures and clinical demonstrations, the subject matter will be studied and dealt with in (computer-aided) tutorials. In addition, optional research or clinical conferences can be attended to elaborate upon a topic of choice.

Course objectives

  • To further familiarize yourself with pathophysiological mechanisms of disease, by studying selected topics from systematic pathology.

  • To make you further acquainted with disease processes in terms of etiology, pathogenesis, morphological changes and clinical significance.

Mode of instruction

Lectures, patient demonstrations, histopathology demonstrations, genevese tutorial, guest lectures, workgroups, practical, self study asssignments.

Assessment method


Information for exchange students

This module is part of the English taught semester of the bachelor’s programme in Medicine at Leiden University Medical Center. Combining medical modules with modules from other programmes in Leiden is difficult or impossible due to different scheduling schemes. Exchange students with sufficient relevant background knowledge in medicine/biology/biomedicine are therefore encouraged and advised to choose the entire module package indicated below. This semester starts in week 5 and finishes at the end of week 13. It is possible to continue with a research project after the courses end.

  • Immunology, 4 EC

  • General Pathology II, 4 EC

  • Infectious Diseases, 4 EC