Formal and advanced treatment of quantum mechanics allowing for a description of complex and counterintuitive quantum phenomena. Topics are: operators on Hilbert spaces, representations, Heisenberg inequalities, quantum dynamics (Schrödinger, Heisenberg and interaction pictures), entanglement, Bell inequalities, Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, symmetries in quantum physics, introduction to field theory, quantization of the electromagnetic field, Feynman path integrals.
Programme form
Lectures, problem sessions, home work.
- Quantum Physics by M. LeBellac (Cambridge UP, 2006) is the guide of the course and strongly recommended to buy.
Other useful textbooks for the course: – Modern Quantum Mechanics- J.J. Sakurai( Addison-Wesley, revised edition, 1993) – A Modern Approach to Quantum Mechanics – J.S. Townsend (McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 2012)
Form of examination
Written exam, 17 January 2014
Quantum Mechanics, Bachelor of Physics (Quantummechanica 1 and Quantummechanica 2).
More information
Lecturer: Dr. P.J.H. Denteneer (Peter)