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Laboratory work (Palaeoecology)


Compulsory attendance


Admission requirements

Attendance of the BA3 Botany/Zoology specialisation class deemed to be necessary by the instructor.


This is a practical course where students apply the knowledge of archaeo-/palaeobotany or zoology they gained in the second and third years of the BA-programme to the investigation of plant or mammalian remains from an archaeological or archaeologically relevant site.
The exact nature of the investigation will be discussed by individual students with the instructor and depend on the student’s interest and the material available for investigation.

Course objectives

  • Ability to determine and differentiate fossil plant or zoological material while unsupervised;

  • Ability to use scientific equipment, reference collections and literature to identify plant or mammalian fossils;

  • Ability to present archaeo-/palaeobotanical or zoological data;

  • Ability to interpret assemblages and reconstruct past vegetation, faunal community, palaeoenvironment and draw conclusions about human/hominin activity.

Ects distribution

The course load will be distributed as follows:

Mode of instruction

  • One-on-one consultations between instructor and student;

  • Student-directed questions.

Assessment method

Scientific report.

Assessment deadline

All analyses and the report must be completed by the end of block 3.

Reading list

Depends on the chosed field of investigation.


Register for this course via uSis.
Instructions for registration can be found in the uSis manual.

Contact information

For more information about this course, please contact dr M.H. Field or prof. dr M. van Kolfschoten.