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Learning problems and impairments (Clinical assessment and treatment)


NB Language of instruction is Dutch.

Admission requirements

This course is mandatory for students in the Master’s specialisation Learning Problems and Impairments. Students of the Master’s specialisation Kinderen met Leer- en Gedragsproblemen in het Onderwijs follow this course or [Klinische vaardigheden]( "Diagnostiek en Behandeling")

Entry requirements


  • Gain more in-depth knowledge about diagnostics and treatment in the domain of learning problems and impairments.

  • Applying knowledge about learning impairments in the domain of problems at school.

  • Reporting about the results in accordance with guidelines of the Dutch professional organization NVO.

Course objectives

Achievement levels

1 Substantive knowledge

1.1 has profound knowledge of the various theories and methodological approaches common within the domain of one of the specialisations offered by the Master’s programme;
1.2 is able to analyse and conceptualise questions and problems in one of the specialisations offered by the Master’s programme;
1.3 has the capacity to identify a theoretical framework suitable for addressing problems and issues relevant for one of the specialisations offered by the Master’s programme;
1.4 has knowledge of models and methods of prevention and intervention relevant for one of the specialisations offered by the Master’s programme;
1.5 is acquainted with the professional field of the Master’s specialisation.

3 Academic skills

3.1 describing and analysing practical and theoretical issues in human development from both a scientific and an ethical point of view;
3.2 analysing and evaluating scientific literature critically to establish its practical or theoretical relevance;
3.4 reporting orally and in writing on issues in human development both in an academic and in a professional context.

4 Professional conduct

4.1 connect scientific knowledge and insights to practical issues in human development;
4.2 analyse child-raising and/or educational issues and establish appropriate professional strategies;
4.3 collaborate with others and take responsibility in a professional team.


Mode of instruction

Active participation in group discussions about patients is obligatory. This course is not a systematic introduction but organized around problems of children in the outpatient clinic. Students have a chance to participate in analyzing a learning problem and drawing conclusions from observations and to observe diagnostic testing and parent consultation behind a oneway-screen. The age of clients and type of problems is unpredictable.

Assessment method

A report in accordance with the guidelines of the Dutch professional organization NVO.

Students submit two case reports three weeks after the last meeting. There will be one possibility to improve the final reports.


During this course Blackboard is used.

Reading list

  • Literature will be announced on Blackboard.


Please note that separate uSis registration is mandatory for lectures, seminars, exams and re-exams. Student who do not register, cannot attend courses or take exams.


  • Registration for the lectures of the course is possible as of 100 calendar days through 10 calendar days before the first lecture at the latest;

  • Registration for the seminars of the course is possible as of 100 calendar days through 10 calendar days before the first seminar at the latest.


Student must register for each exam through uSis. This is only possible until 10 calendar days before the exam. More information on exam registration

NB The exam of this course is a paper. This means that you do not have to register yourself for this exam in uSis.

Contact information

Supervision is provided by Dr. V.A.C. van der Kooy-Hofland
Hours: Monday-Thursday: by appointment only.