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Crisis Leadership (HC B&LS)



Toegankelijk voor zowel tweede- als derdejaars studenten van het Honours College Bèta en Life Science.


This seminar aims to enhance students’ understanding of the complex challenges that crises pose. The seminar will build on a mix of theory, real-life cases, and policy documents. Students will learn to apply theoretical insights to the analysis of crisis cases, formulating actionable advice for public authorities.

De volledige vakomschrijving inclusief roosterinformatie is de vinden in de studiegids van het Honours College FSW


Number of maximum participants is 25.

If you want to participate, write a letter in which you explain why you want to take part in this course. Interview is part of the selection process. We are looking for students who are highly motivated to participate in an active way in order to achieve the course objectives.

First step for students from the HC B&LS is to send an e-mail with your name + studentnumber to M.M. Poulina (