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Blood-Brain Barrier: Drug Transport to the Brain


This information is without prejudice. Alterations can be made for next year.


The development of new drugs with an action on the central nervous system (CNS) is notoriously difficult. For a proper CNS effect, the drug should have the ability to cross the BBB, and then has to find its way to the relevant target site within the CNS. This course will address the role and function of the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) and brain tissue distribution in research concerning CNS drug development, CNS drug delivery and CNS diseases. It will provide profound insight in the complex function of the BBB with regard to transport kinetics in health and disease.
The series of lectures will include the following themes:

  1. Basic aspects of the BBB
  2. Methods for investigation of BBB transport and distribution within the brain
  3. Pharmacokinetics of CNS drug delivery


Mw. Dr. E.C.M. de Lange

Admission requirements

Students of Bio-Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences or other Life Sciences. Adequate knowledge of parameters that affect local drug concentration, such as drug distribution and clearance.

Mode of instruction


Reading list

Suggested reading
“Drug Delivery to the Brain- Physiological Concepts, Methodologies, and Approaches”. Editors: M. Hammarlund-Udenaes, EC de Lange, and R Thorne. AAPS/ Springer Science and Business Media. 2014; ISBN 978-1-4614-9104-0

Course objectives

The course will provide profound insight in the complex function of the BBB with regard to transport kinetics in health and disease.

Assessment method

Written exam.


The lecture series is taught in February. See schedule on Blackboard for further details.


Application via uSis. Registration closes 1 month before the start of the course or earlier when the maximum number of students is reached.


A minimum of 5 participants and a maximum of 40 participants applies to this course.