1. Description
Practicum Musicae (PM) offers multi-talented university students the possibility to nourish and explore their musicality at the [Royal Conservatoire](http://www.koncon.nl/nl/ "Koninklijk Conservatorium") (RC) in The Hague. You can use your EC, obtained at the KC, to fill in all your optional subjects at the UL.
In this program you’ll follow individual lessons with teachers from the Royal Conservatoire to improve your playing, singing or composing. Next to these individual lessons, you’ll follow a Music theory class and coaching’s to help you develop your repertoire-skills.
Via PM, you can develop yourself broadly, both academically as musically.
Practicum Musicae is a program of the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA). ACPA is the link between the University of Leiden and the University of the Arts The Hague, which consists of the Royal Academy of Art and the Royal Conservatoire. For more info about ACPA.
The departments in which you can study via PM are:
Classical Music (all instruments)
Vocal (singing and choir conducting)
Jazz (all instruments including jazz-singing)
Early Music
2. Structure
The entire PM-program takes three years, carries 30 EC and consists of three levels: PM1 (10 EC), PM2 (10EC) and PM3 (10EC). You can also choose to participate in the program for only one, or two years.
Practicum Musicae has the following elements:
- Individual main subject lessons: 50 minutes per week (32 weeks a year), by a teacher from the Royal Conservatoire. Which will be tested in the end of the year in an exam (7 EC, PM1 and PM2. 10 EC, PM3).
- Ensemble playing: Coachings or Duo class: 12,5 min per week for students of the Classical department, Early Music, Jazz-singing and Vocal department. SJazz-musicians participate in a Combo.
The Coach helps you to master your repertoire-skills and to improve your playing/singing with accompaniment. Duo class teaches pianists how to accompany a singer.
The student and teacher can agree to have either a session once every two weeks (25 minutes), or once a month (50 minutes).
These Ensemble-playing lessons are part of your main subject and judged as such on your tentams. Classical Pianists get 5 minutes of extra time on their exams to show their duo-skills.
- Elementary Music Theory (EMT): In PM3 students do not have theory lessons anymore, so they can focus on their playing.
After successfully participating in the PM program, you’ll receive a certificate from the Royal Conservatoire.
3. Admission requirements
In order to be admitted to PM3 you have to have completed PM1 and PM2. The PM2 exam counts as entrance axam for PM3.
4. Mode of instruction
Main subject: private lessons
Ensembleplaying: individual/duo
5. Timetable
PM lessons and seminars take place throughout the first as well as the second semester. The individual lessons, including the coachings/combo's or duo lessons, are scheduled in consultation between student and tutor.
All instruction takes place at the Royal Conservatoire (Juliana van Stolberglaan 1, Den Haag; at walking distance from Den Haag Central Station), or virtually via Teams.
To apply for your lessons, please check your KonCon-mail as soon as you can. The contact details of your teachers will be send to that address.
6. Assessment method
PM 3 is concluded with an exam in front of a small committee of tutors and an audience. The exam takes 25 minutes, or 30 minutes for pianist/harpsicord-players and takes place in May or June. The musical programme is compiled in consultation with the student's main subject tutor.
7. Honours trajectory
It is possible to take a PM Honours Trajectory. For more information, please visit Practicum Musicae Honours College.
8. Remarks
Only Leiden University students can participate in the Practicum Musicae programme.
If you would like to take Practicum Musicae in the free elective space of your Bachelor curriculum and you would like to use the obtainable study credits (10 EC per year each for PM1, PM2 and PM3) as such, please request permission from your Bachelor study programme’s Board of Examiners before the start of the PM programme. This is necessary because Practicum Musicae is a set of elective courses, not a minor.
For all other elective courses on music, fine arts and design, please visit: [Keuzevakken muziek en beeldende kunsten](https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/humanities/academy-of-creative-and-performing-arts/tuition "Keuzevakken muziek en beeldende kunsten")