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Final Research Project


Admission Requirements

Students need to have passed at least 8 out of the 10 first-year courses, as well as all the courses that are relevant for their chosen specialization(s).

Tracks with the belonging courses:

  • Fundamentals

  • Study Design

  • Responsible Data Analyses

  • Panel Management


  • Fundamentals

  • Governance

  • Alternative Payment Models

  • Implementation

Data science

  • Fundamentals

  • Study Design

  • Responsible Data Analyses

  • Predictive Analytics


  • Fundamentals

  • Health and Health Behaviour

  • Syndemics

  • Panel Management


For their Final Research Project students will learn to conduct independent research (under supervision) on a Population Health Management (PHM) topic of their own interests. Students carry out their own research project which concludes in a master thesis and a knowledge utilization (KU) project. Supervisors assist students through all phases of the final research project, starting from the formulation of a research question to the finalization of their thesis. Supervisors also monitor the feasibility of the intended research throughout the thesis project. Communication in Science (CIS) coaches will support the students in planning their KU project.

Prior to starting the project, students are responsible for finding a suitable PHM project. Once this has been approved, the Final Research Project has several phases:

During the first four to six weeks of the research project, students will write a research proposal. Students receive peer feedback as well as feedback from the CIS tutor. The research proposal is evaluated (go/no-go) before the start of the second phase.

During the second phase, students conduct the individual research. This includes reading the relevant literature, developing research material, carrying out the research activities and analysing the results. Students will either be involved in data collection or working with an existing database.

During the third phase, students will write their master thesis consisting of an abstract and layman's abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion part. Students will also conduct a creative knowledge utilization campaign based on their final research project. In addition, students are expected to be actively involved in research group activities of the host institution.

Course objectives

Students obtain experience with interdisciplinary thinking and research in Population Health Management. Students will apply the relevant knowledge and skills from the courses in the first year and continue to grow on the main competences of the Master Population Health Management. On the completion of the Final research project, students:

  • can communicate the core of their own research in writing to colleagues and to the general public

  • can integrate and discuss the key literature in a clear overview

  • can describe a problem within the interdisciplinary PHM context, and can approach and analyze health care issues from different perspectives in order to select the best solution

  • can formulate a clear research question which is based on previous literature PHM theoretical concepts

  • can substantiate the relevance of the research question

  • can apply theories and conceptual models from PHM

  • can report the methods used clearly and completely so that replication is possible

  • can report the results clearly and completely, answering the research question

  • are able to interpret the results in a correct and nuanced manner, both theoretically and methodologically and in light of different PHM perspectives

  • show a good understanding of the strengths and limitations of their study

  • can formulate the scientific and societal relevance and implications of their findings, for different stakeholders, taking an eclectic and deliberative governance point of view

  • can write scientifically: clear, concise, with good structure

  • can organize and format their thesis properly and professionally

  • show a professional work attitude during all phases of their thesis project, think and act proactively, show willingness to grow professionally

  • can share their knowledge and contribute to societal impact, and chose an appropriate target audience and strategy for communication

  • Students can demonstrate that they are PHM experts and can appreciate and critically appraise various factors that contribute to population health management.

  • Students can demonstrate their competences in data-driven thinking and acting, demonstrate knowledge of different research and assessment methods and can apply these in interdisciplinary research settings

  • Student show that they understand complex organizational decision making processes and how the findings from their Master thesis fit into these processes.


See MyTimetable and individually planned supervision sessions (individual and in groups) with supervisors and CIS tutors (for the proposal and knowledge utilization).

Mode of instruction

Supervision by supervisors / examiners for the whole Final Research Project, CIS tutors (for writing a research proposal) and CIS KU coaches.

Assessment method

The Final Research Project will be assessed by a written research report (Master thesis), a knowledge Utilization Project (can be written, verbal or another creative form of communication, or a combination thereof) and the professional conduct of the student.

The final grade is composed of the following components:

  • Master Thesis 60%

  • Process/professional conduct 20%

  • Knowledge Utilization 20%

Students have to have a grade of at least 5.5 or higher for each of the aspects of the final project (master thesis, process & professional conduct and the knowledge utilization project). In case of an insufficient grade (lower than a 5.5), the board of examiners in concultation with the first examiner decides upon the way in which the student can compensate to achieve a grade of 5.5 or higher (i.e., a practical assignment). The internal supervisor will be appointed the examiner for the overall grade.

Reading List


Registration must be completed via MyStudyMap. Registration in MyStudyMap gives you automatic access to the course in Brightspace. For more information, please visit the Leiden University website for students.

