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Communication in Science-2 (CiS-2)


Admission requirements

The course Communication in Science 1 must have been completed.


The second year writing program is a continuation of the foundation course. In this year students will be trained in oral communication skills: students will be trained to give a formal presentation to a large audience in English. Students will also learn how to express their own, substantiated, opinion by writing a critical review of an article and an argumentative essay. This capability is an important component of writing reviews in the third year and onwards. Students will further consolidate their writing skills by reporting on an experiment. Students will attend and give feedback on a poster presentation given by third-year BSc students. During the annual Biomedical Sciences Symposium, organized by CiS, students will gain insight into the research profiles of the LUMC by attending the presentations of Master's students who will present their research results in English to all bachelor's students. Students will also practice reporting skills by reporting proceedings of the Biomedical Science Symposium.

Course objectives

By the end of the course, the student will:

  • present numerical and graphical data to an audience in text and in presentations

  • distinguish between the language of summary and analysis

  • use formal register as well as the appropriate verb forms in the different sections of a report

  • use the skill of formal and concise writing

  • paraphrase scientific literature and states sources properly

  • develop the use of argumentative language (in English)

  • distinguish between different voices in scientific writing

  • summarize and critically analyse scientific research data in a formal presentation

  • consolidate learned and practiced skills in critical reading of a scientific article

  • communicate his/her/their analysis of an article to a scientific audience

  • demonstrate growth in the skill of writing a symposium report in English under time pressure

  • solidify skills in gathering evidence from scientific literature

  • gain awareness of how to give a poster presentation, applying the principles of an effective scientific poster

  • practice writing collaboratively- persuading/ listening/ constructing knowledge through dialogue

  • reflect on his/her/their performance following a presentation delivery

  • give and receive constructive feedback on presentation ability

  • obtain communication skills that allow him/her/them to present coherently and convincingly while taking into account presentation principles


All course and group schedules are published on MyTimeTable.

The exam dates have been determined by the Education Board and are published in MyTimeTable.
When and how the post-exam feedback will be organized will be announced in MyTimeTable and/or Brightspace.

Mode of instruction

Online lectures, online study materials, live workgroups, peer and tutor feedback.

Assessment method

Written assignments and live presentations.

Reading list

For the complete reading list for the bachelor of Biomedical Sciences, see the Study Materials List BW 2024-2025.


Registration must be done via MyStudyMap. Registration in MyStudyMap gives you automatic access to the course in Brightspace. For more information, please visit the Leiden University website for students.

