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Comparative Analysis of Political Systems


Admission requirements

Basic knowledge of Political Science is recommended to take this course. This implies that students have followed at least 10 EC of courses on government and politics.


This course builds on the themes discussed in Global History, Introduction to Political Science and Introduction to Comparative Politics. The core concepts and theories in the field of comparative politics are analysed and discussed within the context of specific European and non-European case studies. The main focus will be on the institutional architecture of political systems and the relevant political cleavages, like class, ideology, ethnicity and religion. Topics covered include state-building, nation-building, political regimes, ethnic politics, multi-level governance, party systems, electoral politics and government formation.

Course objectives

Objective 1: General introduction to the study of comparative politics with a global and long-term view.
Objective 2: The core concepts of the field are analysed within the context of informative case-studies.

Mode of instruction


Assessment method

Final written exam.

  • 50% multiple choice questions

  • 50% open-ended questions (25% concept questions, 25% essay questions)

The time and location of inspection and debriefing of the exam will be announced via Brightspace no later than the publication of the grades.


Students can find the course syllabus and additional course materials on Brightspace.

Reading list

  • O’Neill, P.H., Fields, K., & Share, D. (2024). Cases in Comparative Politics (8th edition). New York: W.W. Norton & Company.


See 'Practical Information'


See 'MyTimetable'