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Fonologie 2


This course will offer an in-depth study of Phonology. We will first refresh basic phonetic notions, and then investigate distinctive feature theory, evidence for underlying representations, theories of derivation, the structure of the lexicon, prosodic notions such as the syllable and the foot, underspecification, constraint-based theories, stress assignment and the role of prosody in morphology. In the course there will be a strong emphasis on doing a wide range of exercises.


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Method of Instruction


A la carte and contract teaching

Belangstellenden die deze cursus in het kader van Contractonderwijs willen volgen (met tentamen), vinden hier meer informatie over kosten, inschrijving, voorwaarden etc.

Dit college is niet beschikbaar voor A la carte.

Required reading

D. Odden : Introducing Phonology. Cambridge University Press, 2005. Participants need to get a copy of this book.


Weekly assignments (5 weekly assignments will be graded). In te leveren via email/blackboard


Week-to-week schedule will be on Blackboard.


Students are kindly requested to enroll


We will cover one chapter every week. The first hour of class will be devoted to discussion of the reading material; the second part of class to the exercises.