This course addresses a psychological perspective on culture, health, disease and health care. Topics covered by the course are:
personality and culture
a cultural perspective on health beliefs
health risk perception and health behaviour
cultural aspects of coping with stress and adaptation to traumatic events
pain and culture
culture and the development of psychopathology in children and adolescents
a cultural perspective on psychopathology
and cultural aspects of health care use (healers, the professional sector and in- and outpatient settings)
communication with health care professionals.
In this respect attention will be paid to cultural aspects of core psychological concepts and models.
Prof.dr. S. Maes
Sectie Klinische, Gezondheids en Neuropsychologie, Room 2B43
Tel. +31 (0)71 527 3746
C.G. Helman (2007). Culture, Health and Illness (5th edition), Hodder Arnold, London
A set of articles (see Blackboard)
Exam with yes/no questions, additionally a four page paper on a specific topic related to the course (see Blackboard), and a poster presentation
From January 1th 2006, the Faculty of Social Sciences has instituted the Ephorus system to be used by instructors for the systematic detection of plagiarism in students’ written work. Please take a look at the Additional Rules and Regulations, section 6.
Required condition for application
Propedeuse-course Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology or similar course.
Education method(s)
7 lectures, during 7 weeks, 3 hours per lecture.
Lecture 1: Psychological perspectives on culture, health and illness
Lecture 2: Life-style, culture and health
Lecture 3: Stress, trauma, pain and culture
Lecture 4: Cultural aspects of psychopathology in children and adolescents
Lecture 5: Psychopathology and culture
Lecture 6: Culture and somatic health care
Lecture 7: Culture and mental health care
Enrolment for courses of the second semester will take place from January 18th (10hr) until January 21th (10hr) 2010, via U-TWIST.
NB: Exam and re-exam registration will take place via U-Twist, and will be open between a month and a week before the (re)exam. Students who haven’t registered, cannot participate in the (re)exam.
Electives students
You have to enroll for each course separately. Read more on the electives (in Dutch)
Information available on