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International Organizations and Good Governance - External Conditionality and Internal Reforms


In recent decades, globalization processes have led to increasing importance of governance in the international arena by the European Union, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations that devote considerable resources to the promotion of democracy, administrative reform, financial regulation and so on. As various forms of global governance become more important, questions arise how legitimate global governance is and how international organizations adhere to democratic principles themselves. This course aims to examine critically these two main aspects of the role of international organizations in promoting good governance. Part one will be a general discussion of the internal and external democratic governance aspects of several organizations such as the European Union, the Council of Europe, the OECD and the World Bank. It will focus on several key themes such as 1/democracy and good governance promotion by the World Bank and others in developing countries and its effectiveness; 2/ the role of the IMF in financial regulation of national economies; 3/good governance as an underlying principle in programmes of organizations which have other goals than democracy reform (IMF, World Bank)
Part one will examine issues related to reform and transparency and good governance inside international organizations that might help us understand how international organizations manage to adhere to democratic principles themselves and the link between legitimacy and the effectiveness of an IO.
Part two will be based on student presentations and research of several other organizations or democracy promotion programmes. Students will research and present several international organizations and their reform and governance promotion programmes.

This course will contribute to several objectives of the education programme of the Institute of Public Administration.
In particular, the readings will contribute to the 1st objective, orientation in core debates in Public Administration today. It will also contribute to objective 3, academic skills and to the 4th objective of the development of professional skills and analysis by making the students’ presentations.

Dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova

Elective seminar

Selected articles and internet sources

Paper (12 pages, 1,5, with references): 60 %
Presentations: 30 %
Participation: 10%

Monday 5/9 t/m 17/10 in 5A-37: except 3/10 (no lecture,alternative 7/10 from 11-13 hrs in 5A37,17/10 no lecture, alternative 24/10 from 11-13 hrs in 1A37

Time: 11-13u