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Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken in de Internationale Politiek



Doel: kennis en inzicht over kernbegrippen en benaderingen over ontwikkelingsvraagstukken en ontwikkelingsbeleid in nationaal en internationaal verband.

Inhoud: Inequality and underdevelopment are core issues in international politics. The infamous North-South divide continues to be an important policy concern for states, international organizations and (international) NGOs. This course provides an overview of theoretical debates about global inequality and underdevelopment Different conceptualizations of ‘development’ are discussed as well as the theoretical relationship between development and other issues in international politics, such as good governance, human rights and sustainability. The course also explores issues in bilateral and multilateral development policies and initiatives such as the Millennium Develoment Goals, debt relief and the debate on the effectiveness of aid.


hoorcollege en responsiecollege


D. Kingsbury, John McKay, Janet Hubt, Mark McGillivray and Matthew Clarke, International Development: issues and challenges, Second edition, Pallgrave, 2012


Schriftelijk tentamen
donderdag 28 maart 2013 van 13.00-16.00 uur in USC

donderdag 6 juni 2013 van 9.00-12.00 uur in USC

Voor de tentamens kunt u zich tot uiterlijk 10 dagen voor de tentamendatum via USIS aanmelden.

dinsdag 26 februari t/m 19 maart, 11.00-13.00 uur, 1A20
donderdag 7 februari t/m 21 maart, 11.00-13.00 uur, SA41 (behalve 7 februari SC01)

responsiecollege: dinsdag 26 maart 13.00-15.00 uur, 1A27
