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International Humanitarian Law Clinic



a) Admitted to Honours College Law.
b) Successful completion of “Inleiding Internationaal Publiekrecht” (BA1) and/or other courses related to international law.
c) A short motivation letter (
d) Admission interview (optional).

Admission interview (optional).


-In the International Humanitarian Law Clinic (IHL Clinic) students will be able to work on research projects of partner institutions in the field, such as e.g. national Red Cross Societies, Human Rights NGOs, government agencies, and other actors in the humanitarian field. Topics which might have to be dealt with involve the use of certain methods and means of warfare, questions of humanitarian assistance, possible war crimes in specific conflict areas, as well as recent issues concerning the application and interpretation of international humanitarian law, the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols.
The IHL clinic enables students to learn through experience by applying legal theory to real-world situations and helping the partners to solve legal problems that they are encountering in their work. It also allows students to acquire and develop skills in legal research, critical thinking, legal analysis, and problem solving. Additionally, students improve their proficiency in drafting, writing, oral presentation, communication, organization and interpersonal skills. Students are also confronted with ethics and professional responsibility, which is very valuable in enabling students to put abstract notions into a practical context.
The IHL Clinic trains students to investigate relevant issues of procedural and substantive law on the basis of the knowledge gained in previous courses throughout their studies. Students are confronted with difficult real-world situations and legal questions, and thereby exercise the practical application of their theoretical knowledge, specifically international humanitarian law. Students are engaged in legal research in order to ultimately provide legal advice to the partner organization in order to prepare a case or for their lobby work. They apply their academic skills and creativity in order to find arguments for and against a particular position.
Therefore, students gain valuable practical experience in IHL, which gives them an insight into the possibilities of an academic career, a career in an international organization, an NGO or a law firm. They work closely and intensively in teams, while also spending a significant amount of time on independent research and writing, as is done in most employment situations.
On you can read what your predecessors did last year.


Doelstelling van het vak:

  • The aim of the course is to provide students with the skills necessary to transfer their theoretical knowledge to practical cases, and be able to produce results which can be used in practice.

  • The course wants to give students the chance to get a deep insight into the practical workings of international humanitarian law, and by doing this prepare them for respective jobs in the field.

Eindkwalificaties (eindtermen van het vak)
Na afronding van het vak hebben studenten de volgende kwalificaties verworven:

  • Students will have developed skills in legal research, critical thinking, legal analysis, and problem solving.

  • Students will have improve their proficiency in drafting, writing, oral presentation, communication, organization and interpersonal skills.

  • Students will have learned about ethics and professional responsibility, team work, and will be able to put abstract notions into a practical context


Aantal à 2 uur: 5 à 7
Namen docenten: Dr. R.W. Heinsch LL.M Vereiste voorbereiding door studenten: bestuderen van de opgegeven literatuur en jurisprudentie.

Recommended: to attend 4 introductory IHL Lectures.

Dit vak heeft de status van praktische oefening: aanwezigheid en deelname is verplicht.

Periode en literatuur

-OCTOBER 2017 (Dates have to be confirmed)

  • Monday 2 October 11.00-13.00h
    Kick-off meeting Official start of the Honours College IHL Clinic projects with research teams and supervisors: introduction to research, and how to write a memo which can be used in practice

  • XX October (15:00-17:00)
    1st Introductory IHL Lecture Introduction to IHL: General overview/scope of application

  • XX October (15:00-17:00)
    2nd Introductory IHL Lecture Relationship between IHL and Human Rights Law

NB: In de weken van 24 en 30 oktober wordt rekening gehouden met de tentamens.


  • XX November DEADLINE Submission of first outline of the report, issues to be covered, division of tasks

  • XX November (15.00-17.00) Common Seminar Session Discussion of outline of report with research teams, supervisors & the LL.M. students of the IHL Clinic

  • XX November (11.00-13.00)
    3rd Introductory IHL Lecture IHL and the rules concerning the protection of civilians

  • XX November (15:00-17:00)
    4th Introductory Lecture IHL and the rules concerning the conduct of hostilities

  • XX November
    DEADLINE Submission first half of the report

  • XX November (15:00-17:00)
    Common Seminar Session Discussion of first draft of first half of the report


  • XX December (11:00-13:00)
    Common Seminar Session Discussion of drafts with research teams, supervisors & the LL.M. students of the IHL Clinic

  • 18 December
    DEADLINE Submission second half of report
    JANUARY 2018

  • 20-30 January Official Submission Final editing and official submission of clinic reports to cooperation partners



  • Written report (70%)

  • Presentation (30%)

Students will be working together in teams of 3 or 4. These teams will be required to submit a written report of about 20.0000 words (that means about 5000 words per student) answering the assignment given by the clinic’s cooperation partner (“the client”). At the end of the course, they will also have to give an oral presentation on their research results, preferably to a representative of the cooperation partner.

The content covered will depend very much on the assignments provided to the clinic by the cooperation partners. It can cover current issues of international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and human rights law.


Bij dit vak wordt gebruik gemaakt van Blackboard.

1.General textbooks

  • F. Kalshoven & L. Zegveld, Constraints on the Waging of War – An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, 4th ed. (2011) (main textbook)

  • D. Fleck (ed.), Handbook of International Humanitarian Law 3rd ed. (2013)

  • R. Kolb & R. Hyde, An Introduction to the International Law of Armed Conflicts

2.The Foundations, History and & Scope of Application of IHL

  • M.E. O’Connell, Historical Development and Legal Basis, in: D. Fleck, The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflict, Chapter 1, 2nd edition (2009), OUP, <> .

  • J.K. Kleffner, Scope of Application of Humanitarian Law, in: D. Fleck, The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflict, Chapter 2, 2nd edition, (2009), OUP, <> .

3.More case specific literature will be announced on blackboard in due time before the beginning of the course.


De aanmelding verloopt via HC Law: Uiterste aanmelddatum is vrijdag 22 september 12.00 uur!

Maximum aantal deelnemers

Afhankelijk van de projecten. In beginsel 6-8.
