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Issues in Latin American Foreign Policies


Admission requirements

This course is only available for students enrolled in the master programmes MA International Relations and MA Latin American Studies. The number of participants is limited to 25.


This course examines the foreign policies of several Latin American countries. A series of
historical, strategic and geopolitical factors are explored which are crucial to understand the
international policies followed by these nations. In addition, attention is given to key
diplomatic initiatives deployed in the past decades in the field of economic and political
cooperation among Latin American countries, assessing their achievements as well as their
current problems.

The course also explores the ways Latin American countries are positioning themselves vis-àvis important foreign actors, such as the United States, the European Union and China.

Course objectives

1) Insight and knowledge about the course topic: a) To obtain knowledge and insights about the actors and factors that are determinant in the formulation of Latin American foreign policies; b) To obtain insights in the ways economic, strategic and political objectives become intertwined in the foreign policies of the Latin American countries; c) To obtain insights in the manners in which the Latin American countries interact with key-foreign actors such as the United States, the European Union, and China.

2) Training of academic skills: a) Basic research skills, including heuristic skills: 1. to collect and select academic literature using traditional and digital methods and techniques; 2. to analyze and assess this literature with regard to quality and reliability; 3. to formulate on this basis a sound research question; 4. to design under supervision a research plan of limited scope, and implement it using the methods and techniques that are appropriate within the discipline involved; 5. to formulate a substantiated conclusion. b) Written presentation skills: 1. to explain clear and substantiated research results; 2. to provide an answer to questions concerning (a subject) in the field covered by the course a. in the form of a clear and well-structured written presentation; b. in agreement with the appropriate disciplinary criteria; c. using relevant illustration or multimedia techniques; d. aimed at a specific audience.
c) Oral presentation skills: 1. to explain clear and substantiated research results; 2. to provide an answer to questions concerning (a subject) in the field covered by the course a. in the form of a clear and well-structured oral presentation; b. in agreement with the appropriate disciplinary criteria; c. using up-to-date presentation techniques; d. aimed at a specific audience; 3. to actively participate in a discussion following the presentation.


See the website

Mode of instruction

This course will consist of lectures, group presentations and a written assignment.

Course Load

A brief calculation of the course load, broken down by:

  • Attending lectures: 24 hours

  • Reading: 56 hours

  • Studying and writing: 170 hours

  • Preparation and presentation: 30

Total 10 EC: 280 hours

Assessment method

The final grade [100%] is composed of 3 parts:
1) 1 written assignment (70 % of the final grade)
2) First individual presentation (15 % of the final grade)
3) Second individual presentation (15 % of the final grade)
To pass the course, the weighted average has to be 5.5 at least.


The final mark for the course is established by determining the weighted average.


The resit for the final examined element is only available to students whose mark of the final examined element is insufficient.

Exam Review

How and when an exam review will take place will be disclosed together with the publication of the exam results at the latest. If a student requests a review within 30 days after publication of the exam results, an exam review will have to be organized.


Blackboard will be used. For tutorial groups: please enroll in blackboard after your enrolment in uSis
Students are requested to register on Blackboard for this course.

Reading list

Gianluca Gardini and Peter Lambert (eds) Latin American Foreign Policies: Between Ideology
and Pragmatism (2013). Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN-13: 978-1137361769, and selected articles in Blackboard.


Via uSis.

General information about uSis is available in English and Dutch.

Registration Studeren à la carte and Contractonderwijs

Not applicable.


Dr. R.C. Sheppard


The attendance in this seminar is mandatory. The students may not be absent in more than three (3) sessions. In cases where more lectures are missed, the lecturer may decide to impose additional assignments, or ultimately exclude the student from further instruction.
If you are not able to attend a seminar, please inform the lecturer of the course.