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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Seminar Greek: Greek Responses to Rome: Migrant Literature in the Early Roman Empire 10
Seminar Latin: Seneca’s Agamemnon 10
Seminar Swarm-based Computation with Applications in Bioinformatics 6
Seminar: Academic Publication 5
Seminarium presenteren en communiceren 3
Sense and non-sense in anesthesiology 15
Setting up businesses in a globalized world 5
Shakespeare's Sister: Gender Troubles in the Early Modern Period 10
Sick in the City. Epidemic diseases, Mortality and Public health, 1500-present 10
Signal Transduction and Hallmarks of Cancer 4
Signalering en aanpak van emotionele en gedragsproblemen 3
Simulation and Modeling in Astrophysics (AMUSE) 6
Sino-Japanese Relations 5
Smart regional integration? Comparative lessons for a lean and legitimate EU 5
Social and Cultural History of the Middle East: the Ottoman Empire (1300-1922) 10
Social Cognitive Neuroscience 5
Social Innovation in Action 10
Social Judgment and Decision Making 5
Social Network Analysis for Computer Scientists 6
Social Psychology in Organisations 10
Social Theories 10
Societal Internship 1 / 5
Societal Internship 1 / 5
Society and Culture in Modern Korea 5
Society's Metabolism 5
Socio-legal Studies 5
Sociolinguistica dell’italiano (Corso monografico) 5
Sociolinguistics 10
Sociolinguistics (BA Linguistics) 5
Sociolinguistics and Dialectology of Brazilian Portuguese 5
Sociolinguistics and Dialectology of the Spanish in Latin America 5
Sociolinguïstiek: straattaal, tussentaal, social media en meer 5
Sociology of Migration and Diversity 5
Sociology of Religion 5
Soefisme: islamitische mystiek 5
Soft and Biomatter Theory 6
Software Development 6
Software Development and Product Management 6
Software Engineering 6
Solid State NMR (SSNMR) 6
SOSCI Lecture Introduction to Japanese Economy 5
SOSCI Seminar Anthropology of Japan 10
SOSCI Seminar Japanese Anime, Global Fandoms 5
SOSCI Seminar Japanese Food 5
SOSCI Seminar Japanese Religions and Buddhism 5
SOSCI Seminar Politics, Political Economy and International Relations of Japan 10
SOSCI Seminar Sociology/Anthropology 5
Soviet History and Memory 10
Soviet History and Memory 10
Spanish 1 10