
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Internship Child and Family Science 15
Internship Corporate Law 5
Internship Digital Media in Human Development 15
Internship Educational Science 15
Internship Forensic Family Studies 20
Internship Learning problems and impairments (international track) 15
Internship Project Seminar and Thesis - Spring 2020 (September intake) 30
Internship Special needs children in education 20
Introductory Research Project 18
Jean Monnet Module. From Multi- to Interdisciplinarity: Europe in the World 10
Jenseits der Menschenwelt? Natur, Kultur und Sprache in den Filmen Werner Herzogs 5/10
JS Graduation seminar 5
Kripke's Naming and Necessity 10
Language Acquisition 6: Independent Research in English Language, Literature, and Culture 5
Language Course 5
Law, Ethics and Politics of International Dispute Settlement 5
LDE Living (World) Heritage Cities 5
Learning and Instruction 5
Legal Translation 2 5
Legitimiteit van Militaire Missies 5
LIAS PhD Seminar: Global Political Economy 5
LIAS PhD Seminar: Text and Image 5
Linguistic Fieldwork B 5
Linguistics (research) Thesis 30
Linguistics 6: Language Change 10
Linguistics of South Africa 5
Literary careers: authorship in Dutch literature 1600-1800 5
Literature 6A: Contemporary Literatures in English 10
LOT Summer School/Winter School 10
MA Thesis African Studies 15
MA Thesis (Deutsch) 20
MA Thesis Arts and Culture 20
MA Thesis Arts and Culture (Research) 25
MA Thesis Asian Studies (120 EC) 15
MA Thesis Asian Studies (60 EC) 15
MA Thesis Book and Digital Media studies 20
MA Thesis Classics and Ancient Civilizations 15
MA Thesis Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) 25
MA Thesis Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory 20
MA Thesis Culture and Politics 15
MA Thesis European Union Studies 15
MA Thesis Global Conflict in the Modern Era 15
MA Thesis Global Order in Historical Perspective 15
MA Thesis Global Political Economy 15
MA Thesis History & Final Exam 20
MA Thesis JNM 10
MA Thesis Latin American Studies 20
MA Thesis Latin American Studies (Research) 25
MA Thesis Linguistics 20
MA Thesis Linguistics including seminar II 15