
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
`Ulamâ’ in the Modern Muslim World 10
`Ulamâ’ in the Modern Muslim World (ResMA) 10
"Must reads" Italian Literature (individual course) 5
“The Quest for Peace and Justice:” Pacifism and Peace Activism in Twentieth Century America 10
(East) Central Europe before and after the Paris Peace Treaties 10
30EC Minor or Electives BA Engels 30
A Europe that serves and protects: the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 5
A Francophone Maghreb? 5
A Successful Democracy: The History of the Federal Republic of Germany 10
Academic and Professional Skills (Science) 3
Academic Skills (Italian Language and Culture)
Academic Skills (Japanese Studies) 5
Academic Skills (Korean Studies)
Academic Skills (Latin American Studies)
Academic Skills (Linguistics)
Academic Skills (Middle Eastern Studies)
Academic Skills (Oude Nabije Oosten-studies) 0
Academic Skills (Oude Nabije Oosten-studies) 0
Academic Skills (Religious Studies) 0
Academic Skills (South and Southeast Asian Studies)
Academic Skills I Pre-Master 5
Academic Skills II (Art History): Searching and Processing Information, Writing and Oral Presentation 5
Academic Skills II (Art History): Searching and Processing Information, Writing and Oral Presentation 5
Academic Skills Philosophy I 5
Academic Skills Philosophy I 5
Academic Skills Philosophy I 5
Academic Skills Tutorial (IBP) 5
Academic Skills: Data Analysis 5
Academic Writing 5
Academic writing (AWR) 2
Academic Year in Japan C 5
Academische vaardigheden en beroepsoriëntatie Pedagogische Wetenschappen jaar 2 2
Academische Vaardigheden: Data-analyse 5
Accenttentamen Moderne Letterkunde 5
Accenttentamen Nederlandse Taalkunde 5
Accenttentamen Oudere Letterkunde 5
Accenttentamen Taalbeheersing 5
Accounting (ICTiB&PS) 3
Advanced Academic Skills and Career Orientation 3
Advanced Archaeological Theory 5
Advanced Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire 5
Advanced Biblical Hebrew Grammar 10
Advanced Cell Biology 4
Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 5
Advanced Critical Museology 5
Advanced Current Issues in Quaternary Research 5
Advanced Current Issues in the Archaeology of the Americas 5
Advanced Geographic Information Systems 5
Advanced Korean Reading 10
Advanced Methods and Issues in Human Osteoarchaeology 5