
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Colonial Wars: a military perspective on Modern Imperialism and Decolonisation 10
Colonialism and the Representation of Society and State 10
Comparative and Private International Law 5
Comparative Sexual Orientation Law 5
Complex analysis 6
Computational Physics (3 EC) 3
Computational Physics (6 EC) 6
Computer Networks 6
Conceptions of Knowledge in India and China 10
Construction Law 5
Contemporary Indian Politics (ResMA) 10
Contemporary novels 5
Contemporary Political Philosophy 5
Contemporary Visions of Gender and Sexuality 10
Controversies in American Politics 10
Coping with Versnel: debating ancient religions 10
Coptic Texts in Context 10
Core: Samples of Linguistic Structure 10
Corporate Structures and Legal Entities for the Civil Law Notary 10
Corpus Lexicography 10
Creative Writing: Four crucial Choices 5
Crime and Migration 5
Criminological Research in Practice 10
Criminology for Legal Scholars 5
Critical Thinking, Critical Writing 5
Crucial Skills 5
Cultural pages in Italian Newspapers: Writers, Press, History (Corso monografico) 5
Culture and Conquest: the Impact of the Mongols and their Descendants (ResMA) 10
Culture and Diversity at Work 5
Culture and Society in the Medieval Muslim World (ResMA) 10
Current Debates in Medieval and Early Modern History III 10
Current Issues & Archaeology: Global Networks of the Silk Roads 5
Dante poeta del mondo medievale 5
Data Science 6
Data Science 5
Data Science and Process Modelling 7
Democratizing Histories: Asia and the World (ResMA) 10
Descriptive Linguistics 2 5
Design of Sustainable Biotechnological Processes 5
Designing Archaeological Research 5
Developing Research Proposals (ResMA History) 10
Development and Poverty Reduction 10
Developmental Clinical Neuroscience 5
Diagnostiek en assessment in opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening 5
Dialogues in Past and Present: Human interaction and the construction of meaning 5
Digital Access to Cultural Heritage 5
Digital Detectives: Detective Literature Under a Digital Macroscope 5
Digital editing of literary texts 5
Digital History 5
Digital Text and Data Processing 5