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Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Topical Debates on Photography in Historical Perspective 10
Topical Reading: Histories of Unfreedom of Bloodshed on Korean Peninsula 10
Topical Reading: Korea Encounters the World 10
Topical Reading: State and Society 10
Topical Reading: Women in Korean History 10
Topical Readings in Classical Japanese 10
Topical Readings in Classical Japanese (ResMA) 10
Topics in Chinese Linguistics 10
Topics in Chinese Linguistics (ResMA) 10
Topics in Greek papyrology (texts in translation) 5
Topics in Linguistics B: Academic Skills for Linguists 5
Topics in Modern Chinese History (5 EC) 5
Topologie 6
Toxicologie 4
Track-bound electives Descriptive Linguistics I 15
Track-bound electives Taal en Communicatie I 10
Traduzione olandese-italiano (Corso monografico) 5
Trainers Course Communication Skills 10
Trajan's Legacy 5
Translation Studies 5
Trasporre e tradurre la letteratura: italiano-olandese (Corso monografico) 5
Tutoraat (inclusief Nederlandse taaltoets, bibliotheektutorial en practicum proefpersonen) 4
Tutorial (ResMA History) 10
Tutorial Academic Skills 5
Tutorial Akkadian 10
Tutorial General History of the Early Modern Period (AGN) 0
Tutorial Introduction Ancient History (OG) 0
Tutorial Introduction Dutch History (VG) 0
Tutorial Sumerian 5
Tutoring and Career Orientation Programme Second Year 0
Urban Computing 6
Urban youth cultures of the Middle East 5
Vaders 5
Vakoverstijgende activiteiten 0
Vedic Sanskrit 5
Vedic Sanskrit: Linguistic Structure and Prehistory 5
Vergelijkende Analyse van Politieke Stelsels 5
Vienna Through the Centuries: Politics, Culture, Society 10
Vijftien eeuwen Nederlands, Taalwetenschap II 5
Visual Analysis I: Iconography and the Interpretation of Western Art 5
Visual Ethnographic Fieldwork 20
Visual History: Introduction to Visual Sources for Modern History 5
Voyeurism and Exhibitionism: Gender and Visual Culture 5
Vrije keuzeruimte Franse taal en cultuur (Invulling eerste en tweede semester 15
Vrije Keuzeruimte Jaar 3 30
Vrije Keuzeruimte Oude Nabije Oosten-studies
Vrije Keuzeruimte Religiewetenschappen 30
War by Contract? The Drivers and Implications of Security Privatization 10
War, Peace and Mass Media: The Arab-Israeli Conflict in Public Sphere (ResMA) 10
War, Peace, and Mass Media: The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Public Sphere 10