
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Polling Public Opinion 5
Portfolio 1
Postcommunistische Transities 10
Practice of empirical research 5
Pre-master Thesis 10
Pre-master Thesis Middle Eastern Studies 10
Pre-master Thesis North American Studies 10
Prevention and Punishment 5
Princes, households, and government: the early modern court 10
Probability Seminar: Stories from Asymptotia (BM) 6
Probability: Coupling theory (BM) 6
Project Management for Scientists 3
Public Leadership Consulting 5
Quantum Information 3
Quantum Information Theory (BM) 6
Quantum Optics 6
Quantum Theory 6
Radio Astronomy 6
Rawls' Theory of Justice 10
Reading Avicenna in Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin Philosophy: Avicennan Metaphysics in its Medieval Context 10
Reading List Greek 5
Reading List Latin 5
Readings in Indo-European Linguistics 5
Real Property Law 10
Recht, literatuur en film 5
Reflection Course: Scientific Conduct 1
Reflection on Science 6
Reform of Social Legislation 5
Religion, Trade and the Construction of Empire, 1415-1776 10
Representation Theory (BM) 6
Research and evidence (Educational line) 5
Research Fundamentals 4
Research Internship Applied Neuroscience in Human Development 10
Research Trainee incl. thesis 17
Research traineeship applied analysis 6
Review on topic of own choice 6
Rhetoric and Law 5
Right-wing Politics in the U.S. since 1945 10
Robot Law - Regulating robot and Artificial Intelligence technologies 5
Rule of law and democracy in a (trans)national context 5
Russia and the world 10
School Psychology 10
Science and the public: contemporary and historical perspectives 6
Science Communication and Society Fundamentals 19
Science Journalism 3
Science Methodology (SCM) 4
Sciences & Humanities 4
Scientific Conduct 1
Scriptieseminar 5
Selected Bibliography [Capita Selecta] and Bachelor Thesis (5+10 EC) 10 + 5