
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Anthropology of Japan 10
Applied Data Analysis 5
Applied Multivariate Data Analysis (fall and spring) 10 (2 x 5)
Applied Quantum Algorithms 6
Applied Research Methodology 4
Approaches to Argumentative Discourse 10
Approaches to Literature 10
Archaeological Site Management 5
Archaeological Theory (MA) 5
Archaeology of the Crusades 5
Architectures of International and European governance 5
Argumentation in Journalism 5
Argumentative and Rhetorical Practices: strategic maneuvering with truth 10
Art and Life Sciences 10
Arts and Digital Culture 10
Asia through Consumption 10
Asian Events in Early Modern European Sources: Information Transfer and Genres in the Production of Knowledge 10
Aspects of contemporary Italian 10
Astrochemistry 3
Astronomical Spectroscopy 3
Astronomical Telescopes and Instruments 6
Atherosclerosis 4
Attachment, parenting and development: research and clinical implications 5
Attended Lectures and Colloquia 1
Audio Processing and Indexing 6
Automated Machine Learning 6
Banking & Finance Transactions 10
Basic Therapeutic Skills 5
Bayesian Statistics 6
Before Crisis: vulnerability, risk management and preparedness 5
Behaviour and Interaction in Organizations 5
Behaviour Training with Children 5
Behavioural Change Approaches to Cyber Security 5
Behavioural Economic Insights 5
Bestuurskundig Onderzoek 5
Better Science for Computer Scientists 3
Beyond Art: Grotesque & Auricular 10
Biblical Text in Mesopotamian Context 10
Bilingual Acquisition 10
Bio-Modeling 6
Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry 4
Biogeochemistry of System Earth 3
Bioinorganic Catalysis (BIOC) 6
Biological Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 6
Biological Underpinnings of Psychopathology 5
Biology of vitality and ageing 10
Biomaterials (BMAT) 6
Biomedical Informatics (BMI) 6
Biomedical Translational Research in Surgery 6
Bionanotechnology (BNT) 6