
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Leren en cognitie 5
Les Mémoires de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale en France: théorie, littérature, cinéma 10
Lessons on love in Dutch medieval literature 5
Letteratura e giornalismo: Dall'elzeviro alla rubrica d'autore 10
Letterkunde I: Introduction à la littérature française (1500-1800) 5
Letterkunde II: Introduction à la littérature française (de 1800 à nos jours) 5
Letterkunde: Métamorphoses du roman (1850 à nos jours) 5
Letterkunde: Poésie et théâtre 5
Letterkunde: Roman et philosophie (1500-1800) 5
Levantines. Diplomacy, Orientalism, and Fluid Identities in the Mediterranean, 1500-1800 10
Levend verleden. Bronnen & Erfgoed van de Afrikaanse Geschiedenis 5
Liability of Public Authorities 5
LIAS PhD Seminar: Genders, Sexualities and Bodies 5
LIAS PhD Seminar: Knowledge and Authority 5
LIAS PhD Seminar: Themes in Global Political Economy 5
Life Sciences 8
Lijn Beroepsvorming jaar 1 5
Lijn Beroepsvorming jaar 2 5
Lijn Samenwerking, Gezondheidsbevordering en Leiderschap jaar 1 3
Lijn Samenwerking, Gezondheidsbevordering en Leiderschap jaar 2 2
Lijn Samenwerking, Gezondheidsbevordering en Leiderschap jaar 3 3
Lijnonderwijs Communication in Science-1 (CiS-1) 3
Line Academic and scientific development 3 4
Line Academic Scientific Training Year 2 5
Line Academic Scientific Training Year for International students 2
Line professional development 4
Lineaire Algebra 1 6
Lineaire Algebra 1 NA 6
Lineaire algebra 2 6
Lineaire Algebra 2 NA 6
Linear & generalized linear models and linear algebra 9
Linear Algebra and Differential Equotations (LINDIF) 6
Linear Algebra and Differential Equotations (LINDIF) 6
Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists 1 3
Linear Algebra for Computer Scientists 2 3
Linear Analysis (BM) 6
Linguistic Fieldwork A 5
Linguistic Fieldwork B 5
Linguistic History of the Middle East 5
Linguistica Italiana: Sintassi e dialettologia 5
Linguistics (research) Thesis 30
Linguistics 1: The Phonetics of English 5
Linguistics 2: The Syntax of English 10
Linguistics 3: The Syntax of English: Present and Past 5
Linguistics 4: The Phonology of English 5
Linguistics 5A: English Sounds and Words in the Mental Lexicon 10
Linguistics 5B: English Words and Phrases: Structure and Interaction 10
Linguistics 6: Language Change 10
Linguistics of South Africa 5
Linguistique française: De la forme au sens 5