
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Experimentele Natuurkunde deel I 3
Experimentele Natuurkunde deel II 3
Explanatory Criminology Lab 5
Exploratory Data Analysis 6
Exploratory Data Analysis in Archaeology 5
Exploring Africa 10
Exploring the Past in the Digital Present 5
Expression et compréhension orales I 5
Expression et compréhension orales II 5
Expression et compréhension orales III 5
External Economic Relations 5
Extracurriculaire optie: keuzevak Notariële studentstage 5
Factchecken 5
Fake News en samenzweringen in achttiende-eeuws Europa 10
Faking the Past: Forgery, History and Propaganda 5
Family Law 5
Family Law and the position of minors 5
Famous Books 5
Farmaceutische Technologie 5
Farmacie en Kwaliteit 4
Farmacologie 5 EC 5
Farmacotherapie 6
Farmacotherapie (5 EC variant, part of Minor CADSDT) 5
Feminist Philosophy 5
Feminist Theories in Asian Philosophy 10
Field Methods 10
Field Methods for Environmental Sustainability: Land and Water Resource Management 5
Field Methods for Environmental Sustainability: Ecosystem Health and Biodiversity 5
Field Research Project NIMAR 15
Field School 5
Field Techniques 5
Fieldwork (Internship/Practicum) 5/10
Fieldwork NL 10
Film and Literary Research: Reading, Viewing, Writing, Presenting 5
Film and Philosophy 10
Film Genres 5
Film in Practice 10
Film Journeys in Brazilian Cinema 5
Film Theory 10
Filosofie en religie van China 5
Filosofie voor pedagogen 6
Filosofische vaardigheden 5
Final Research Project 30
Finance and Procurement of Aerospace Activities 5
Financial accounting (for tax purposes) 5
Financial Economic Policy 5
Financial Law 5
Financial Reporting 5
Financing Technology Ventures 5
Financing Technology Ventures 3