
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Urban Behavioral Science Research Lab 10
Urban Behavioral Science Thesis 10
Urban Behavioral Science Thesis Seminar 5
Urban Computing 6
Urban Data Science 5
Urban Development and Planning 5
Urban Ecology and Evolution 6
Urban Environmental Science graduation project 25
Urban History and Development Research Lab 10
Urban History and Development Thesis Seminar 5
Urban Korea 5
Urban Planning and Development Thesis 10
Urban Studies 5
Urban Studies Foundations 5
Urban Studies Thesis 10
Urban Studies Thesis Seminar 5
Urbanism and Digitality Across Asia 10
Vaclav Havel: Internship 15
Vaclav Havel: Language Course 5
Vaders 5
Vakoverstijgende activiteiten 0
Vakoverstijgende activiteiten 0
Value Added Tax and Real Estate Transfer Tax 5
Values in Music 5
Van basis tot homeostase 8
Van cel tot molecuul 6
Van mens tot cel 7
Van theorie naar werkveld: praktijkopdracht minor Kindermishandeling 5
Vedic Sanskrit 5
Vedic Sanskrit for Indo-Europeanists 10
Veldonderzoek Ecologie 6
Veldonderzoek Flora 6
Veldonderzoek Gedragsbiologie 6
Veldonderzoek Milieubiologie 6
Vergelijkende Analyse van Politieke Stelsels 5
Vertrouwen in instituties 5
Victims 5
Video Games for Research 6
Video Journalism 5
Vijftien eeuwen Nederlands, Taalwetenschap II 5
Violence and the brain 5
Violent Rebels in International Affairs 10
Violent Societies 10
Visual Analysis: Art Making Techniques Analysis of Objects in Visual Arts, Architecture & Design 5
Visual Anthropology 10
Visual Ethnographic Fieldwork 20
Visual History: Introduction to Visual Sources for Modern History 5
Visual History: Introduction to Visual Sources for Modern History 5
Vital Interests 10
Voortgangstoets 2