
nl en
Name EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Chemical Immunology (CHI) 6
Chemistry and Physics of Solids (CPS) 6
Child Neuropsychology: Theory and Assessment of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 5
China's International Political Economy 10
Chinese Buddhism 5
Chinese Linguistics: The State of the Art 10
Classical Electrodynamics 4
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 10
Clinical Neuropsychology 10
Clinical Psychology 10
Cloud Computing 6
Cognitive Neuroscience 10
Cognitive Psychology (IBP) 5
Common course: Libraries in the Ancient World 10
Communicating Across Cultures 5
Comparative Analysis of Political Systems 5
Comparative Corporate Law 5
Comparative Religion 5
Comparative Sexual Orientation Law 5
Comparative Syntax 10
Competition Law 5
Competitive Programming 6
Compiler construction 6
Complex Networks (BM) 6
Computational Astrophysics 6
Computational Molecular Biology 6
Computer Graphics 6
Computer Networks 6
Concepts of Programming Languages 6
Condensed Matter Physics 6
Confronting modernity 10
Contemporary Indian Politics 5
Coordination and Component Composition 6
Coptic Texts in Context 10
Core Course Medieval and Early Modern Studies 10
Core Course: Methodological Concepts in Art and Literature 10
Core: Samples of Linguistic Structure 10
Corpus Lexicography 10
Corruption in Russia and Eurasia 10
Creativity and Culture in Contemporary China 10
Crime and Migration 5
Criminalistics 5
Crisis, Literature and the Contemporary 10
Cross-cultural Psychology of Health and Illness 5
Cross-domain chromatin organisation (CDC) 4
Cultural History of Aramaic 10
Cultural Interaction: Conflict and Cooperation 5
Cultural Studies 5
Culture and Comparison 5
Culture and Conquest: the Impact of the Mongols and their Descendants 10